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Community engagement: The key to tackling Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) across a One Health context?

Mitchell, Jessica; Cooke, Paul; Ahorlu, Collins; Arjyal, Abriti; Baral, Sushil; Carter, Laura; Dasgupta, Rajib; Fieroze, Fariza; Fonseca-Braga, Mariana; Huque, Rumana; Lewycka, Sonia; Kalpana, Pachillu; Saxena, Deepak; Tomley, Fiona; Tsekleves, Emmanuel; Vu Thi Quynh, Gioa; King, Rebecca


Jessica Mitchell

Paul Cooke

Collins Ahorlu

Abriti Arjyal

Sushil Baral

Laura Carter

Rajib Dasgupta

Fariza Fieroze

Mariana Fonseca-Braga

Rumana Huque

Sonia Lewycka

Pachillu Kalpana

Deepak Saxena

Fiona Tomley

Emmanuel Tsekleves

Gioa Vu Thi Quynh

Rebecca King


Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a One Health problem underpinned by complex drivers and behaviours. This is particularly so in low - and middle-income countries (LMICs), where social and systemic factors fuel (mis)use and drive AMR. Behavioural change around antimicrobial use could safeguard both existing and future treatments. However, changing behaviour necessitates engaging with people to understand their experiences. This publication describes a knowledge-exchange cluster of six LMIC-based projects who co-designed and answered a series of research questions around the usage of Community Engagement (CE) within AMR. Findings suggest that CE can facilitate AMR behaviour change, specifically in LMICs, because it is a contextualised approach which supports communities to develop locally meaningful solutions. However, current CE interventions focus on human aspects, and demand-side drivers, of AMR. Our cluster suggests that broader attention should be paid to AMR as a One Health issue. The popularity of mixed methods approaches within existing CE for AMR interventions suggests there is interdisciplinary interest in the uptake of CE. Unfortunately, the specificity and context-dependency of CE can make it difficult to evaluate and scale. Nevertheless, we suggest that in synthesising learnings from CE, we can develop a collective understanding of its scope to tackle AMR across contexts.


Mitchell, J., Cooke, P., Ahorlu, C., Arjyal, A., Baral, S., Carter, L., Dasgupta, R., Fieroze, F., Fonseca-Braga, M., Huque, R., Lewycka, S., Kalpana, P., Saxena, D., Tomley, F., Tsekleves, E., Vu Thi Quynh, G., & King, R. (2022). Community engagement: The key to tackling Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) across a One Health context?. Global Public Health, 17(11), 2647-2664.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Oct 27, 2021
Online Publication Date Dec 9, 2021
Publication Date Nov 2, 2022
Deposit Date Jan 11, 2023
Publicly Available Date Jan 11, 2023
Journal Global Public Health
Print ISSN 1744-1692
Electronic ISSN 1744-1706
Publisher Routledge
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 17
Issue 11
Pages 2647-2664
Keywords Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
Additional Information Peer Review Statement: The publishing and review policy for this title is described in its Aims & Scope.; Aim & Scope:; Received: 2021-05-21; Accepted: 2021-10-27; Published: 2021-12-09


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