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All Outputs (4)

A multi-centre cohort study investigating the outcome of synovial contamination or sepsis of the calcaneal bursae in horses treated by endoscopic lavage and debridement (2019)
Journal Article
Isgren, C. M., Salem, S. E., Singer, E. R., Wylie, C. E., Lipreri, G., Graham, R. J. T. Y., Bladon, B., Boswell, J. C., Fiske-Jackson, A. R., Mair, T. S., & Rubio-Martínez, L. M. (2019). A multi-centre cohort study investigating the outcome of synovial contamination or sepsis of the calcaneal bursae in horses treated by endoscopic lavage and debridement. Equine Veterinary Journal, 52(3), 404-410.

Equine odontogenic tumors: Clinical presentation, CT findings, and outcome in 11 horses (2019)
Journal Article
Morgan, R. E., Fiske-Jackson, A. R., Hellige, M., Gerhauser, I., Wohlsein, P., & Biggi, M. (2019). Equine odontogenic tumors: Clinical presentation, CT findings, and outcome in 11 horses.

Odontogenic tumors present as locally invasive, slow growing, firm swellings on the face. They are rare in all species and are characterized histologically by the degree of differentiation and dental tissue of origin. Radiographic appearance is not p... Read More about Equine odontogenic tumors: Clinical presentation, CT findings, and outcome in 11 horses.

Pituitary gland abscess in a horse subsequent to head trauma (2019)
Journal Article
Morgan, R. E., Fiske-Jackson, A. R., & Biggi, M. (2019). Pituitary gland abscess in a horse subsequent to head trauma. Equine Veterinary Education,

A 5‐year‐old Thoroughbred gelding with recent history of head trauma presented with multiple facial swellings, bilateral mucopurulent nasal discharge, neck pain, inappetence and depression. On computed tomographic examination, lesions within the pitu... Read More about Pituitary gland abscess in a horse subsequent to head trauma.