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Quantitative pharmacodynamic characterization of resistance vs. heteroresistance of colistin in E. coli using a semi-mechanistic modelling of killing curves (2022)
Journal Article
Mead, A., Toutain, P.-L., Richez, P., & Pelligand, L. (2022). Quantitative pharmacodynamic characterization of resistance vs. heteroresistance of colistin in E. coli using a semi-mechanistic modelling of killing curves. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy,

Heteroresistance correspond to the presence in a bacterial isolate of an initial small subpopulation of bacteria characterized by a significant reduction in their sensitivity to a given antibiotic. Mechanisms of heteroresistance vs. resistance are po... Read More about Quantitative pharmacodynamic characterization of resistance vs. heteroresistance of colistin in E. coli using a semi-mechanistic modelling of killing curves.

Epidemiological prevalence of phenotypical resistances and mobilised colistin resistance in avian commensal and pathogenic E. coli from Denmark, France, Netherlands and UK (2022)
Journal Article
Mead, A., Billon-Lotz, C., Olsen, R., Swift, B., Richez, P., Stabler, R., & Pelligand, L. (2022). Epidemiological prevalence of phenotypical resistances and mobilised colistin resistance in avian commensal and pathogenic E. coli from Denmark, France, Netherlands and UK. Antibiotics,

Colistin has been used for treatment of non-invasive gastrointestinal infections caused by avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC). The discovery of mobilised colistin resistance (mcr) in E. coli [1] has instigated a One Health approach to minimise colistin... Read More about Epidemiological prevalence of phenotypical resistances and mobilised colistin resistance in avian commensal and pathogenic E. coli from Denmark, France, Netherlands and UK.