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Breed predispositions, clinical findings, and prognostic factors for death in dogs with nonregenerative immune‐mediated anemia (2020)
Journal Article
Szladovits, B., & Glanemann, B. (in press). Breed predispositions, clinical findings, and prognostic factors for death in dogs with nonregenerative immune‐mediated anemia. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine,

Background: Breed predispositions, survival, and prognostic factors have not been evaluated in dogs with nonregenerative immune-mediated anemia (nrIMA).
Hypothesis/Objectives: To describe clinicopathologic variables, evaluate their associa... Read More about Breed predispositions, clinical findings, and prognostic factors for death in dogs with nonregenerative immune‐mediated anemia.

Gene Expression Profiling of B Cell Lymphoma in Dogs Reveals Dichotomous Metabolic Signatures Distinguished by Oxidative Phosphorylation (2020)
Journal Article
Wu, Y., Chang, Y. M., Polton, G., Stell, A. J., Szladovits, B., Macfarlane, M., Peters, L. M., Priestnall, S. L., Bacon, N. J., Kow, K., Stewart, S., Sharma, E., Goulart, M. R., Gribben, J., Xia, D., & Garden, O. A. (2020). Gene Expression Profiling of B Cell Lymphoma in Dogs Reveals Dichotomous Metabolic Signatures Distinguished by Oxidative Phosphorylation. Frontiers in Oncology, 10,

Gene expression profiling has revealed molecular heterogeneity of diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) in both humans and dogs. Two DLBCL subtypes based on cell of origin are generally recognized, germinal center B (GCB)-like and activated B cell (A... Read More about Gene Expression Profiling of B Cell Lymphoma in Dogs Reveals Dichotomous Metabolic Signatures Distinguished by Oxidative Phosphorylation.