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Postnatal mechanical loading drives adaptation of tissues primarily through modulation of the non-collagenous matrix (2020)
Journal Article
Zamboulis, D. E., Thorpe, C. T., Ashraf Kharaz, Y., Birch, H. L., Screen, H. R. C., & Clegg, P. D. (2020). Postnatal mechanical loading drives adaptation of tissues primarily through modulation of the non-collagenous matrix. eLife, 9,

Mature connective tissues demonstrate highly specialised properties, remarkably adapted to meet their functional requirements. Tissue adaptation to environmental cues can occur throughout life and poor adaptation commonly results in injury. However,... Read More about Postnatal mechanical loading drives adaptation of tissues primarily through modulation of the non-collagenous matrix.

Bimodal Whole-Mount Imaging of Tendon Using Confocal Microscopy and X-ray Micro-Computed Tomography (2020)
Journal Article
Marr, N., Hopkinson, M., Hibbert, A., Pitsillides, A., & Thorpe, C. (2020). Bimodal Whole-Mount Imaging of Tendon Using Confocal Microscopy and X-ray Micro-Computed Tomography. Biological Procedures Online,

BACKGROUND:3-dimensional imaging modalities for optically dense connective tissues such as tendons are limited and typically have a single imaging methodological endpoint. Here, we have developed a bimodal procedure utilising fluorescence-based confo... Read More about Bimodal Whole-Mount Imaging of Tendon Using Confocal Microscopy and X-ray Micro-Computed Tomography.

Heterogeneity of proteome dynamics between connective tissue phases of adult tendon (2020)
Journal Article
Choi, H., Simpson, D., Wang, D., Prescott, M., Pitsillides, A. A., Dudhia, J., Clegg, P. D., Ping, P., & Thorpe, C. T. (2020). Heterogeneity of proteome dynamics between connective tissue phases of adult tendon. eLife, 9,

Maintenance of connective tissue integrity is fundamental to sustain function, requiring protein turnover to repair damaged tissue. However, connective tissue proteome dynamics remain largely undefined, as do differences in turnover rates of individu... Read More about Heterogeneity of proteome dynamics between connective tissue phases of adult tendon.