Resequencing and signatures of selection scan in two Siberian native sheep breeds point to candidate genetic variants for adaptation and economically important traits
Journal Article
Sweet‐Jones, J., Yurchenko, A. A., Igoshin, A. V., Yudin, N. S., Swain, M. T., & Larkin, D. M. (2021). Resequencing and signatures of selection scan in two Siberian native sheep breeds point to candidate genetic variants for adaptation and economically important traits. Animal Genetics,
All Outputs (43)
Comparative Chromosome Mapping of Musk Ox and the X Chromosome among Some Bovidae Species (2019)
Journal Article
Proskuryakova, A. A., Kulemzina, A. I., Perelman, P. L., Yudkin, D. V., Lemskaya, N. A., Okhlopkov, I. M., Kirillin, E. V., Farré, M., Larkin, D. M., Roelke-Parker, M. E., O'Brien, S. J., Bush, M., & Graphodatsky, A. S. (2019). Comparative Chromosome Mapping of Musk Ox and the X Chromosome among Some Bovidae Species. Genes, 10(11), 857., the largest family in Pecora infraorder, are characterized by a striking variability in diploid number of chromosomes between species and among individuals within a species. The bovid X chromosome is also remarkably variable, with several mo... Read More about Comparative Chromosome Mapping of Musk Ox and the X Chromosome among Some Bovidae Species.
Comparative genomic analysis of six Glossina genomes, vectors of African trypanosomes (2019)
Journal Article
Attardo, G. M., Abd-Alla, A. M. M., Acosta-Serrano, A., Allen, J. E., Bateta, R., Benoit, J. B., Bourtzis, K., Caers, J., Caljon, G., Christensen, M. B., Farrow, D. W., Friedrich, M., Hua-Van, A., Jennings, E. C., Larkin, D. M., Lawson, D., Lehane, M. J., Lenis, V. P., Lowy-Gallego, E., Macharia, R. W., …Aksoy, S. (2019). Comparative genomic analysis of six Glossina genomes, vectors of African trypanosomes. Genome Biology, 20, 187. flies (Glossina sp.) are the vectors of human and animal trypanosomiasis throughout sub-Saharan Africa. Tsetse flies are distinguished from other Diptera by unique adaptations, including lactation and the birthing of live young (obligate vivip... Read More about Comparative genomic analysis of six Glossina genomes, vectors of African trypanosomes.
An integrated chromosome-scale genome assembly of the Masai Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi) (2019)
Journal Article
Farré, M., Qiye, L., Daroli, I., Zhou, Y., Damas, J., Proskuryakova, A. A., Kulemzina, A. I., Chemnick, L. G., Kim, J., Ryder, O. A., Ma, J., Graphodatsky, A. S., Zhang, G., Larkin, D. M., & Lewin, H. A. (2019). An integrated chromosome-scale genome assembly of the Masai Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi). GigaScience, 8(8),
High-density genotyping reveals signatures of selection related to acclimation and economically important traits in 15 local sheep breeds from Russia (2019)
Journal Article
Yurchenko, A. A., Deniskova, T. E., Yudin, N. S., Dotsev, A. V., Khamiruev, T. N., Selionova, M. I., Egorov, S. V., Reyer, H., Wimmers, K., Brem, G., Zinovieva, N. A., & Larkin, D. M. (2019). High-density genotyping reveals signatures of selection related to acclimation and economically important traits in 15 local sheep breeds from Russia. BMC Genomics, 20(Suppl 3), and centuries of selective breeding have changed genomes of sheep breeds to respond to environmental challenges and human needs. The genomes of local breeds, therefore, are valuable sources of genomic variants to be used to understand m... Read More about High-density genotyping reveals signatures of selection related to acclimation and economically important traits in 15 local sheep breeds from Russia.
Germline-restricted chromosome (GRC) is widespread among songbirds (2019)
Journal Article
Torgasheva, A. A., Malinovskaya, L. P., Zadesenets, K. S., Karamysheva, T. V., Kizilova, E. A., Akberdina, E. A., Pristyazhnyuk, I. E., Shnaider, E. P., Volodkina, V. A., Saifitdinova, A. F., Galkina, S. A., Larkin, D. M., Rubtsov, N. B., & Borodin, P. M. (2019). Germline-restricted chromosome (GRC) is widespread among songbirds. unusual supernumerary chromosome has been reported for two related avian species, the zebra and Bengalese finches. This large, germline-restricted chromosome (GRC) is eliminated from somatic cells and spermatids and transmitted via oocytes only. I... Read More about Germline-restricted chromosome (GRC) is widespread among songbirds.
Genome-wide association study for body weight in cattle populations from Siberia (2019)
Journal Article
Igoshin, A. V., Yudin, N. S., Belonogova, N. M., & Larkin, D. M. (2019). Genome-wide association study for body weight in cattle populations from Siberia. Animal Genetics, 50(3), 250-253. weight is a complex trait in cattle associated with commonly used commercial breeding measurements related to growth. Although many quantitative trait loci (QTL) for body weight have been identified in cattle so far, searching for genetic determ... Read More about Genome-wide association study for body weight in cattle populations from Siberia.
Time lapse: A glimpse into prehistoric genomics (2019)
Journal Article
Griffin, D. K., Larkin, D. M., & O'Connor, R. E. (2019). Time lapse: A glimpse into prehistoric genomics. European Journal of Medical Genetics, the purpose of this review, ‘time-lapse’ refers to the reconstruction of ancestral (in this case dinosaur) karyotypes using genome assemblies of extant species. Such reconstructions are only usually possible when genomes are assembled to ‘chromos... Read More about Time lapse: A glimpse into prehistoric genomics.
Genome-wide association study and scan for signatures of selection point to candidate genes for body temperature maintenance under the cold stress in Siberian cattle populations (2019)
Journal Article
Igoshin, A. V., Yurchenko, A. A., Belonogova, N. M., Petrovsky, D. V., Aitnazarov, R. B., Soloshenko, V. A., Yudin, N. S., & Larkin, D. M. (2019). Genome-wide association study and scan for signatures of selection point to candidate genes for body temperature maintenance under the cold stress in Siberian cattle populations. BMC Genomics, 20(Suppl 1), of new highly productive livestock breeds, well-adapted to local climatic conditions is one of the aims of modern agriculture and breeding. The genetics underlying economically important traits in cattle are widely studied, whereas our knowled... Read More about Genome-wide association study and scan for signatures of selection point to candidate genes for body temperature maintenance under the cold stress in Siberian cattle populations.
Evolution of gene regulation in ruminants differs between evolutionary breakpoint regions and homologous synteny blocks (2019)
Journal Article
Farre Belmonte, M., Kim, J., Proskuryakova, A. A., Zhang, Y., Kulemzina, A. I., Li, Q., Xiong, Y., Johnson, J. L., Perelman, P. L., Johnson, W. E., Warren, W., Kukekova, A. V., Zhang, G., O'Brien, S. J., Ryder, O. A., Graphodatsky, A. S., Ma, J., Lewin, H. A., & Larkin, D. M. (2019). Evolution of gene regulation in ruminants differs between evolutionary breakpoint regions and homologous synteny blocks. Genome Research, 29, 576-589. role of chromosome rearrangements in driving evolution has been a long-standing question of evolutionary biology. Here we focused on ruminants as a model to assess how rearrangements may have contributed to the evolution of gene regulation. Using... Read More about Evolution of gene regulation in ruminants differs between evolutionary breakpoint regions and homologous synteny blocks.
A Near Chromosome Assembly of the Dromedary Camel Genome (2019)
Journal Article
Ruvinskiy, D., Larkin, D. M., & Farré, M. (2019). A Near Chromosome Assembly of the Dromedary Camel Genome. Frontiers in Genetics, 10(32), dromedary camel is an economically and socially important species of livestock in many parts of the world, being used for transport and the production of milk and meat. Much like cattle and horses, the camel may be found in industrial farming con... Read More about A Near Chromosome Assembly of the Dromedary Camel Genome.
A Near-Chromosome-Scale genome assembly of the gemsbok (Oryx gazella): an iconic antelope of the Kalahari Desert (2019)
Journal Article
Farré, M., Li, Q., Zhou, Y., Damas, J., Chemnick, L. G., Kim, J., Ryder, O. A., Ma, J., Zhang, G., Larkin, D. M., & Lewin, H. A. (in press). A Near-Chromosome-Scale genome assembly of the gemsbok (Oryx gazella): an iconic antelope of the Kalahari Desert. GigaScience,
Patterns of microchromosome organization remain highly conserved throughout avian evolution (2018)
Journal Article
O'Connor, R. E., Kiazim, L., Skinner, B., Fonseka, G., Joseph, S., Jennings, R., & Larkin, D. M. (2018). Patterns of microchromosome organization remain highly conserved throughout avian evolution. Chromosoma, 128(1), 21-29. structure and organization of a species genome at a karyotypic level, and in interphase nuclei, have broad functional significance. Although regular sized chromosomes are studied extensively in this regard, microchromosomes, which are present in... Read More about Patterns of microchromosome organization remain highly conserved throughout avian evolution.
Chromosome-level assembly reveals extensive rearrangement in saker falcon and budgerigar, but not ostrich, genomes (2018)
Journal Article
O'Connor, R. E., Farré, M., Joseph, S., Damas, J., Kiazim, L., Jennings, R., Bennett, S., Slack, E. A., Allanson, E., Larkin, D. M., & Griffin, D. K. (2018). Chromosome-level assembly reveals extensive rearrangement in saker falcon and budgerigar, but not ostrich, genomes. Genome Biology, 19(171),
Chromosome Level Genome Assembly and Comparative Genomics between Three Falcon Species Reveals an Unusual Pattern of Genome Organisation (2018)
Journal Article
Joseph, S., O'Connor, R. E., Al Mutery, A., Watson, M., Larkin, D. M., & Griffin, D. (2018). Chromosome Level Genome Assembly and Comparative Genomics between Three Falcon Species Reveals an Unusual Pattern of Genome Organisation. Diversity, 10(4), 113. genome assemblies are crucial for understanding a wide range of aspects of falcon biology, including morphology, ecology, and physiology, and are thus essential for their care and conservation. A key aspect of the genome of any species is its k... Read More about Chromosome Level Genome Assembly and Comparative Genomics between Three Falcon Species Reveals an Unusual Pattern of Genome Organisation.
Reconstruction of avian ancestral karyotypes reveals differences in the evolutionary history of macro- and microchromosomes (2018)
Journal Article
Damas, J., Kim, J., Farré, M., Griffin, D. K., & Larkin, D. M. (2018). Reconstruction of avian ancestral karyotypes reveals differences in the evolutionary history of macro- and microchromosomes. Genome Biology, 19(155),
Scans for signatures of selection in Russian cattle breed genomes reveal new candidate genes for environmental adaptation and acclimation (2018)
Journal Article
Yurchenko, A. A., Daetwyler, H. D., Yudin, N., Schnabel, R. D., Vander Jagt, C. J., Soloshenko, V., Lhasaranov, B., Popov, R., Taylor, J. F., & Larkin, D. M. (2018). Scans for signatures of selection in Russian cattle breed genomes reveal new candidate genes for environmental adaptation and acclimation. and selective breeding has resulted in over 1000 extant cattle breeds. Many of these breeds do not excel in important traits but are adapted to local environments. These adaptations are a valuable source of genetic material for efforts... Read More about Scans for signatures of selection in Russian cattle breed genomes reveal new candidate genes for environmental adaptation and acclimation.
Construction of Red Fox Chromosomal Fragments from the Short-Read Genome Assembly (2018)
Journal Article
Rando, H., Farré, M., Robson, M., Won, N., Johnson, J., Buch, R., Bastounes, E., Xiang, X., Feng, S., Liu, S., Xiong, Z., Kim, J., Zhang, G., Trut, L., Larkin, D. M., & Kukekova, A. (2018). Construction of Red Fox Chromosomal Fragments from the Short-Read Genome Assembly. Genes, 9(6), 308. genome of a red fox (Vulpes vulpes) was recently sequenced and assembled using next-generation sequencing (NGS). The assembly is of high quality, with 94X coverage and a scaffold N50 of 11.8 Mbp, but is split into 676,878 scaffolds, some of which... Read More about Construction of Red Fox Chromosomal Fragments from the Short-Read Genome Assembly.
Reconstruction of the diapsid ancestral genome permits chromosome evolution tracing in avian and non-avian dinosaurs (2018)
Journal Article
O'Connor, R. E., Romanov, M. N., Kiazim, L. G., Barrett, P. M., Farre Belmonte, M., Damas, J., Ferguson-Smith, M., Valenzuela, N., Larkin, D. M., & Griffin, D. K. (2018). Reconstruction of the diapsid ancestral genome permits chromosome evolution tracing in avian and non-avian dinosaurs. Nature Communications, 9(1), 1883. organisation of extinct lineages can be inferred from extant chromosome-level genome assemblies. Here, we apply bioinformatic and molecular cytogenetic approaches to determine the genomic structure of the diapsid common ancestor. We then infe... Read More about Reconstruction of the diapsid ancestral genome permits chromosome evolution tracing in avian and non-avian dinosaurs.
Construction of two whole genome radiation hybrid panels for dromedary (Camelus dromedarius): 5000RAD and 15000RAD (2018)
Journal Article
Perelman, P. L., Pichler, R., Gaggl, A., Larkin, D. M., Raudsepp, T., Alshanbari, F., Holl, H. M., Brooks, S. A., Burger, P. A., & Periasamy, K. (2018). Construction of two whole genome radiation hybrid panels for dromedary (Camelus dromedarius): 5000RAD and 15000RAD. Scientific Reports, 8(1), availability of genomic resources including linkage information for camelids has been very limited. Here, we describe the construction of a set of two radiation hybrid (RH) panels (5000RAD and 15000RAD) for the dromedary (Camelus dromedarius) as... Read More about Construction of two whole genome radiation hybrid panels for dromedary (Camelus dromedarius): 5000RAD and 15000RAD.