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All Outputs (4)

Characterisation of Canine Intestinal MicroRNA Expression in Inflammatory Bowel Disease and T-Cell Lymphoma (2023)
Journal Article
Williams, J., Werling, D., Davison, L., Hiron, T., & Xia, D. (in press). Characterisation of Canine Intestinal MicroRNA Expression in Inflammatory Bowel Disease and T-Cell Lymphoma. Journal of Comparative Pathology,

Differentiating between canine inflammatory bowel disease and intestinal T-cell lymphoma via histopathological examination of endoscopically-derived intestinal biopsies can be challenging and involves an invasive procedure requiring specialised equip... Read More about Characterisation of Canine Intestinal MicroRNA Expression in Inflammatory Bowel Disease and T-Cell Lymphoma.

Characterisation of the bovine C-type lectin receptor Mincle and potential evidence for an endogenous ligand (2023)
Journal Article
Holder, A., Kolakowski, J., Rosentreter, C., Knuepfer, E., Jegouzo, S., Rosenwasser, O., Harris, H., Baumgaertel, L., Gibson, A., & Werling, D. (2023). Characterisation of the bovine C-type lectin receptor Mincle and potential evidence for an endogenous ligand. Frontiers in Immunology, 14,

Innate immune receptors that form complexes with secondary receptors, activating multiple signalling pathways, modulate cellular activation and play essential roles in regulating homeostasis and immunity. We have previously identified a variety of bo... Read More about Characterisation of the bovine C-type lectin receptor Mincle and potential evidence for an endogenous ligand.