Correlation between magnetic resonance imaging and histological lesions in a case of meningoencephalomyelitis secondary to Neospora caninum infection in a greyhound
Journal Article
Albertini, G., Stabile, F., Yaffy, D., Suaez-Bonnet, A., & Uriarte, A. (2022). Correlation between magnetic resonance imaging and histological lesions in a case of meningoencephalomyelitis secondary to Neospora caninum infection in a greyhound. Vet Record Case Reports,
An 11-year-old, male, neutered raw fed greyhound was presented for a 2-week history of progressive non-lateralised, non-painful ambulatory paraparesis, deteriorating acutely to non-ambulatory tetraparesis. Magnetic resonance imaging, cerebrospinal fl... Read More about Correlation between magnetic resonance imaging and histological lesions in a case of meningoencephalomyelitis secondary to Neospora caninum infection in a greyhound.