How can onchocerciasis elimination in Africa be accelerated? Modelling the impact of increased ivermectin treatment frequency and complementary vector control
Journal Article
Verver, S., Walker, M., Kim, Y. E., Fobi, G., Tekle, A. H., Zouré, H. G. M., Wanji, S., Boakye, D. A., Kuesel, A. C., De Vlas, S. J., Boussinesq, M., Basáñez, M.-G., & Stolk, W. A. (2018). How can onchocerciasis elimination in Africa be accelerated? Modelling the impact of increased ivermectin treatment frequency and complementary vector control. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 66(4), S267-S274.
All Outputs (57)
Modelling the impact of larviciding on the population dynamics and biting rates of Simulium damnosum (s.l.): implications for vector control as a complementary strategy for onchocerciasis elimination in Africa (2018)
Journal Article
Routledge, I., Walker, M., Cheke, R. A., Bhatt, S., Nkot, P. B., Matthews, G. A., Baleguel, D., Dobson, H. M., Wiles, T. L., & Basáñez, M.-G. (2018). Modelling the impact of larviciding on the population dynamics and biting rates of Simulium damnosum (s.l.): implications for vector control as a complementary strategy for onchocerciasis elimination in Africa.
Loa loa: More Than Meets the Eye? (2018)
Journal Article
Whittaker, C., Walker, M., Pion, S. D. S., Chesnais, C. B., Boussinesq, M., & Basáñez, M.-G. (2018). Loa loa: More Than Meets the Eye?. Trends in Parasitology, 34(4), 261-262.
The Population Biology and Transmission Dynamics of Loa loa (2018)
Journal Article
Whittaker, C., Walker, M., Pion, S. D. S., Chesnais, C. B., Boussinesq, M., & Basáñez, M.-G. (2018). The Population Biology and Transmission Dynamics of Loa loa. Trends in Parasitology, to Central Africa, loiasis – or African eye worm (caused by the filarial nematode Loa loa) – affects more than 10 million people. Despite causing ocular and systemic symptoms, it has typically been considered a benign condition, only of publi... Read More about The Population Biology and Transmission Dynamics of Loa loa.
Systematic review of studies generating individual participant data on the efficacy of drugs for treating soil-transmitted helminthiases and the case for data-sharing (2017)
Journal Article
Halder, J. B., Benton, J., Julé, A. M., Guérin, P. J., Olliaro, P. L., Basáñez, M.-G., & Walker, M. (2017). Systematic review of studies generating individual participant data on the efficacy of drugs for treating soil-transmitted helminthiases and the case for data-sharing. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 11(10), e0006053. chemotherapy and transmission control (PCT) by mass drug administration is the cornerstone of the World Health Organization (WHO)’s policy to control soil-transmitted helminthiases (STHs) caused by Ascaris lumbricoides (roundworm), Trichur... Read More about Systematic review of studies generating individual participant data on the efficacy of drugs for treating soil-transmitted helminthiases and the case for data-sharing.
The macrofilaricidal efficacy of repeated doses of ivermectin for the treatment of river blindness (2017)
Journal Article
Walker, M., Pion, S. D. S., Fang, H., Gardon, J., Kamgno, J., Basáñez, M.-G., & Boussinesq, M. (2017). The macrofilaricidal efficacy of repeated doses of ivermectin for the treatment of river blindness. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 65(12), 2026-2034. Mass drug administration (MDA) with ivermectin is the cornerstone of efforts to eliminate human onchocerciasis by 2020 or 2025. The feasibility of elimination crucially depends on the effects of multiple ivermectin doses on Onchocerca vol... Read More about The macrofilaricidal efficacy of repeated doses of ivermectin for the treatment of river blindness.
Sources of variability in the measurement of Ascaris lumbricoides infection intensity by Kato-Katz and qPCR (2017)
Journal Article
Easton, A. V., Oliveira, R. G., Walker, M., O'Connell, E. M., Njenga, S. M., Mwandawiro, C. S., Webster, J. P., Nutman, T. B., & Anderson, R. M. (2017). Sources of variability in the measurement of Ascaris lumbricoides infection intensity by Kato-Katz and qPCR.
Response to the Letter to the Editor by Eberhard et al (2017)
Journal Article
Bottomley, C., Isham, V., Vivas-Martinez, S., Kuesel, A. C., Attah, S. K., Opoku, N. O., Lustigman, S., Walker, M., & Basáñez, M.-G. (2017). Response to the Letter to the Editor by Eberhard et al.
Socio-demographic determinants of Toxoplasma gondii seroprevalence in migrant workers of Peninsular Malaysia (2017)
Journal Article
Sahimin, N., Lim, Y. A. L., Ariffin, F., Behnke, J. M., Basáñez, M.-G., Walker, M., Lewis, J. W., Noordin, R., Abdullah, K. A., & Mohd Zain, S. N. (2017). Socio-demographic determinants of Toxoplasma gondii seroprevalence in migrant workers of Peninsular Malaysia. number of migrants working in Malaysia has increased sharply since the 1970’s and there is concern that infectious diseases endemic in other (e.g. neighbouring) countries may be inadvertently imported. Compulsory medical screening prior to enteri... Read More about Socio-demographic determinants of Toxoplasma gondii seroprevalence in migrant workers of Peninsular Malaysia.
Modelling the elimination of river blindness using long-term epidemiological and programmatic data from Mali and Senegal (2017)
Journal Article
Walker, M., Stolk, W. A., Dixon, M. A., Bottomley, C., Diawara, L., Traoré, M. O., De Vlas, S. J., & Basáñez, M.-G. (2017). Modelling the elimination of river blindness using long-term epidemiological and programmatic data from Mali and Senegal. Epidemics, 18, 4-15. onchocerciasis transmission models EPIONCHO and ONCHOSIM have been independently developed and used to explore the feasibility of eliminating onchocerciasis from Africa with mass (annual or biannual) distribution of ivermectin within the timefram... Read More about Modelling the elimination of river blindness using long-term epidemiological and programmatic data from Mali and Senegal.
Reduced efficacy of praziquantel against Schistosoma mansoni associated with multiple-rounds of mass drug administration (2016)
Journal Article
Crellen, T., Walker, M., Lamberton, P. H. L., Kabatereine, N. B., Tukahebwa, E. J., Cotton, J. A., & Webster, J. P. (2016). Reduced efficacy of praziquantel against Schistosoma mansoni associated with multiple-rounds of mass drug administration. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 63(3),
Does increasing treatment frequency address sub-optimal responses to ivermectin for the control and elimination of river blindness (2016)
Journal Article
Frempong, K. F., Walker, M., Cheke, R. A., Tetwvi, E. J., Gyan, E. T., Wilson, M. D., Boakye, D. A., Taylor, M. J., Biritwum, N. K., Osei-Atweneboana, M. Y., & Basáñez, M.-G. (2016). Does increasing treatment frequency address sub-optimal responses to ivermectin for the control and elimination of river blindness. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 62, 1338-1347.
New approaches to measuring anthelminthic drug efficacy: parasitological responses of childhood schistosome infections to treatment with praziquantel (2016)
Journal Article
Walker, M., Mabud, T., Olliaro, P. L., Coulibaly, J. T., King, C. H., Raso, G., Scherrer, A. U., Stothard, J. R., Sousa-Figueiredo, J. C., Stete, K., Utzinger, J., & Basáñez, M.-G. (2016). New approaches to measuring anthelminthic drug efficacy: parasitological responses of childhood schistosome infections to treatment with praziquantel.
The therapeutic efficacy and macrofilaricidal activity of doxycycline for the treatment of river blindness (2015)
Journal Article
Walker, M., Specht, S., Churcher, T. S., Hoerauf, A., Taylor, M. J., & Basáñez, M.-G. (2015). The therapeutic efficacy and macrofilaricidal activity of doxycycline for the treatment of river blindness. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 60, 1199-1207.
Improving statistical inference on pathogen densities estimated by quantitative molecular methods: malaria gametocytaemia as a case study (2015)
Journal Article
Walker, M., Basáñez, M.-G., Ouédraogo, A. L., Hermsen, C., Bousema, T., & Churcher, T. S. (2015). Improving statistical inference on pathogen densities estimated by quantitative molecular methods: malaria gametocytaemia as a case study. BMC Bioinformatics, 16, 5.
Estimating helminth burdens using sibship reconstruction
Journal Article
Inês Neves, M. I., Webster, J. P., & Walker, M. (in press). Estimating helminth burdens using sibship reconstruction.
Strategies for tackling Taenia solium taeniosis/cysticercosis: A systematic review and comparison of transmission models, including an assessment of the wider Taeniidae family transmission models
Journal Article
Dixon, M. A., Braae, U. C., Winskill, P., Walker, M., Devleesschauwer, B., Gabriël, S., & Basáñez, M.-G. (in press). Strategies for tackling Taenia solium taeniosis/cysticercosis: A systematic review and comparison of transmission models, including an assessment of the wider Taeniidae family transmission models. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 13, e0007301.