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All Outputs (83)

Epidemiology of Exertional Rhabdomyolysis Susceptibility in Standardbred Horses Reveals Associated Risk Factors and Underlying Enhanced Performance
Journal Article
Isgren, C. M., Upjohn, M. J., Fernandez-Fuente, M., Massey, C. A., Pollott, G. E., Verheyen, K. L. P., & Piercy, R. J. Epidemiology of Exertional Rhabdomyolysis Susceptibility in Standardbred Horses Reveals Associated Risk Factors and Underlying Enhanced Performance. PLoS ONE, 5(7), e11594.

Estimated prevalence of the Type 1 Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy mutation in selected North American and European breeds
Journal Article
McCue, M. E., Anderson, S. M., Valberg, S. J., Piercy, R. J., Barakzai, S. Z., Binns, M. M., Distl, O., Penedo, M. C. T., Wagner, M. L., & Mickelson, J. R. Estimated prevalence of the Type 1 Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy mutation in selected North American and European breeds. Animal Genetics, 41(Supp 2), 145-149.

A Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Gene Hot Spot Mutation in Dystrophin-Deficient Cavalier King Charles Spaniels Is Amenable to Exon 51 Skipping
Journal Article
Walmsley, G. L., Arechavala-Gomeza, V., Fernandez-Fuente, M., Burke, M. M., Nagel, N., Holder, A. L., Stanley, R., Chandler, K. E., Marks, S. L., Muntoni, F., Shelton, G. D., & Piercy, R. J. A Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Gene Hot Spot Mutation in Dystrophin-Deficient Cavalier King Charles Spaniels Is Amenable to Exon 51 Skipping. PLoS ONE, 5(1), e8647.

Variability of resting endoscopic grading for assessment of recurrent laryngeal neuropathy in horses
Journal Article
Perkins, J. D. M., Salz, R. O., Schumacher, J., Livesey, L., Piercy, R. J., & Barakzai, S. Z. Variability of resting endoscopic grading for assessment of recurrent laryngeal neuropathy in horses. Equine Veterinary Journal, 41(4), 342-346.

Reasons for performing study: The extent to which variability affects endoscopic grading of arytenoid cartilage movement is uncertain. Objective: To determine the observer and within horse variability of grading arytenoid cartilage movement in horses... Read More about Variability of resting endoscopic grading for assessment of recurrent laryngeal neuropathy in horses.

Storage-associated artefact in equine muscle biopsy samples
Journal Article
Stanley, R. L., Maile, C., & Piercy, R. J. Storage-associated artefact in equine muscle biopsy samples. Equine Veterinary Journal, 41(1), 82-86.

Reasons for performing study: Muscle biopsy is increasingly used in equine veterinary practice for investigating exertional, inflammatory or immune mediated myopathies and unexplained muscle atrophy. Although formalin-fixed samples are often used, fo... Read More about Storage-associated artefact in equine muscle biopsy samples.

A glycogen synthase 1 mutation associated with equine polysaccharide storage myopathy and exertional rhabdomyolysis occurs in a variety of UK breeds
Journal Article
Stanley, R. L., McCue, M. E., Valberg, S. J., Mickelson, J. R., Mayhew, I. G., McGowan, C., Hahn, C. N., Patterson-Kane, J. C., & Piercy, R. J. A glycogen synthase 1 mutation associated with equine polysaccharide storage myopathy and exertional rhabdomyolysis occurs in a variety of UK breeds. Equine Veterinary Journal, 41(6), 597-601.