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All Outputs (6)

Risk factors for fatality in jump racing Thoroughbreds in Great Britain (2010-2023) (2024)
Journal Article
Allen, S., Taylor, S., Given, J., & Verheyen, K. (2024). Risk factors for fatality in jump racing Thoroughbreds in Great Britain (2010-2023). Equine Veterinary Journal,

BackgroundThe British horseracing industry is committed to reducing equine fatalities in jump racing. Race-related fatalities are a major welfare concern and threaten the sport's social licence to operate.ObjectivesTo describe the risk of, and determ... Read More about Risk factors for fatality in jump racing Thoroughbreds in Great Britain (2010-2023).

A study of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on equine veterinary care in the UK (2023)
Journal Article
Allen, S., O'Neill, D., Cardwell, J., Verheyen, K., & Brodbelt, D. (2023). A study of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on equine veterinary care in the UK. Vet Record Open, 10(2),

BackgroundDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, equine health care in the UK may have been adversely affected due to mandated changes in the delivery of veterinary healthcare and the potential for reduced health-seeking behaviour.MethodsElectronic patient re... Read More about A study of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on equine veterinary care in the UK.

Effects of external ambient temperature at loading, journey duration and flock characteristics on the dead-on-arrival rate in broiler chickens transported to slaughter in Great Britain (2023)
Journal Article
Allen, S., Parker, C., Verheyen, K., Nicol, C., & Chang, Y. (2023). Effects of external ambient temperature at loading, journey duration and flock characteristics on the dead-on-arrival rate in broiler chickens transported to slaughter in Great Britain. Poultry Science, 102(6),

Broiler mortality during transport and lairage, prior to slaughter, has negative welfare and eco-nomic implications. Knowledge of the factors affecting the dead-on-arrival (DOA) rate can help identify risk-mitigating strategies. The objectives of thi... Read More about Effects of external ambient temperature at loading, journey duration and flock characteristics on the dead-on-arrival rate in broiler chickens transported to slaughter in Great Britain.

Effects of ambient temperature, journey duration and flock characteristics on the dead-on-arrival rate in British broiler chickens transported to slaughter (2023)
Journal Article
Chang, Y.-M., Verheyen, K., Nicol, C., & Allen, S. (2023). Effects of ambient temperature, journey duration and flock characteristics on the dead-on-arrival rate in British broiler chickens transported to slaughter. Poultry Science,

Broiler mortality during transport and lairage, prior to slaughter, has negative welfare and economic implications. Knowledge of the factors affecting the dead-on-arrival (DOA) rate can help identify risk-mitigating strategies. The objectives of this... Read More about Effects of ambient temperature, journey duration and flock characteristics on the dead-on-arrival rate in British broiler chickens transported to slaughter.

Radiographic and arthroscopic features of third carpal bone slab fractures and their impact on racing performance following arthroscopic repair in a population of racing Thoroughbreds in the UK
Journal Article
Baldwin, C. M., Smith, M. R. W., Allen, S. E., & Wright, I. M. (in press). Radiographic and arthroscopic features of third carpal bone slab fractures and their impact on racing performance following arthroscopic repair in a population of racing Thoroughbreds in the UK. Equine Veterinary Journal,