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Risk factors for race-day fatality, distal limb fracture and epistaxis in Thoroughbreds racing on all-weather surfaces in Great Britain (2000 to 2013) (2017)
Journal Article
Rosanowski, S. M., Chang, Y. M., Stirk, A. J., & Verheyen, K. L. P. (2017). Risk factors for race-day fatality, distal limb fracture and epistaxis in Thoroughbreds racing on all-weather surfaces in Great Britain (2000 to 2013). Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 148, 58-65.

The incidence of race-day injuries in Great Britain (GB) is higher on all-weather (AW) surfaces than on turf. However, to date no studies have focused on identifying risk factors for injury specific to AW racing. Therefore, the objective of the curre... Read More about Risk factors for race-day fatality, distal limb fracture and epistaxis in Thoroughbreds racing on all-weather surfaces in Great Britain (2000 to 2013).

Recovery of chronically lame dairy cows following treatment for claw horn lesions: a randomised controlled trial (2016)
Journal Article
Thomas, H. J., Remnant, J. G., Bollard, N. J., Burrows, A., Whay, H. R., Bell, N. J., …Huxley, J. N. (2016). Recovery of chronically lame dairy cows following treatment for claw horn lesions: a randomised controlled trial. Veterinary Record, 178(5), 116-U54.

A positively controlled, randomised controlled trial (RCT) was undertaken to test recovery of cows with claw horn lesions resulting in lameness of greater than two weeks duration. Cows on seven commercial farms were mobility scored fortnightly and se... Read More about Recovery of chronically lame dairy cows following treatment for claw horn lesions: a randomised controlled trial.