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RVC Research Online is a repository of the research outputs produced by staff from the Royal Veterinary College (RVC). The aims of the repository are (i) to provide an institutional archive of RVC's research outputs, (ii) to provide access to these outputs and support open science, and (iii) to increase the reach and impact of RVC's research.

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Routes of importation and spatial dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 variants during localized interventions in Chile (2024)
Journal Article
Gutierrez, B., Tsui, J., Pullano, G., Mazzoli, M., Gangavarapu, K., Inward, R., Bajaj, S., Pena, R., Busch-Moreno, S., Suchard, M., Pybus, O., Dunner, A., Puentes, R., Ayala, S., Fernandez, J., Araos, R., Ferres, L., Colizza, V., & Kraemer, M. (2024). Routes of importation and spatial dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 variants during localized interventions in Chile. PNAS Nexus, 3(11),

Human mobility is strongly associated with the spread of SARS-CoV-2 via air travel on an international scale and with population mixing and the number of people moving between locations on a local scale. However, these conclusions are drawn mostly fr... Read More about Routes of importation and spatial dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 variants during localized interventions in Chile.

A CADASIL NOTCH3 mutation leads to clonal hematopoiesis and expansion of Dnmt3a-R878H hematopoietic clones (2024)
Journal Article
Sánchez-Lanzas, R., Barclay, J., Chardas, A., Kalampalika, F., Jiménez-Pompa, A., Gallipoli, P., & Ganuza, M. (2024). A CADASIL NOTCH3 mutation leads to clonal hematopoiesis and expansion of Dnmt3a-R878H hematopoietic clones. Leukemia,

Clonal hematopoiesis (CH) is nearly universal in the elderly. The molecular and cellular mechanisms driving CH and the clinical consequences of carrying clonally derived mutant mature blood cells are poorly understood. We recently identified a C223Y... Read More about A CADASIL NOTCH3 mutation leads to clonal hematopoiesis and expansion of Dnmt3a-R878H hematopoietic clones.

Microglia contribute to the production of the amyloidogenic ABri peptide in familial British dementia (2024)
Journal Article
Arber, C., Casey, J., Crawford, S., Rambarack, N., Yaman, U., Wiethoff, S., Augustin, E., Piers, T., Price, M., Rostagno, A., Ghiso, J., Lewis, P., Revesz, T., Hardy, J., Pocock, J., Houlden, H., Schott, J., Salih, D., Lashley, T., & Wray, S. (2024). Microglia contribute to the production of the amyloidogenic ABri peptide in familial British dementia. Acta Neuropathologica, 148(1),

Mutations in ITM2B cause familial British, Danish, Chinese, and Korean dementias. In familial British dementia (FBD), a mutation in the stop codon of the ITM2B gene (also known as BRI2) causes a C-terminal cleavage fragment of the ITM2B/BRI2 protein... Read More about Microglia contribute to the production of the amyloidogenic ABri peptide in familial British dementia.

Surgical findings and outcomes after unilateral adrenalectomy for primary hyperaldosteronism in cats: a multi-institutional retrospective study (2023)
Journal Article
Del Magno, S., Foglia, A., Rossanese, M., Montinaro, V., Cola, V., Pisoni, L., Rossetti, D., Cantatore, M., De La Puerta, B., Nicoli, S., Pisani, G., Collivignarelli, F., Romanelli, G., Cinti, F., Olimpo, M., & Fracassi, F. (2023). Surgical findings and outcomes after unilateral adrenalectomy for primary hyperaldosteronism in cats: a multi-institutional retrospective study. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 25(1),

Case series summary: Twenty-nine cats from different institutions with confirmed or highly suspected primary hyperaldosteronism treated by unilateral adrenalectomy were retrospectively included in this study. The most frequent clinical signs were let... Read More about Surgical findings and outcomes after unilateral adrenalectomy for primary hyperaldosteronism in cats: a multi-institutional retrospective study.

White paper formatted for Endocrine Oncology NET models meeting 2024 White Paper: the current state of neuroendocrine tumour research models and our future aspirations (2024)
Journal Article
Hien Ear, P., Marinoni, I., Dayton, T., Guenter, R., Quelle, D. E., Battistella, A., Buishand, F. O., Chittaranjan, S., Du, Y.-C. N., Marques, I., Pellegata, N., Sadowski, S. M., Tirosh, A., April-Monn, S., Aurilia, C., Jaskula-Sztul, R., Jesús, M., Moreno, B., Donati, S., English, K. A., …Schrader, J. (2024). White paper formatted for Endocrine Oncology NET models meeting 2024 White Paper: the current state of neuroendocrine tumour research models and our future aspirations. Endocrine Oncology,