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Environmentally Acquired Bacillus and Their Role in C. difficile Colonization Resistance

Ferreira, WT; Hong, HA; Adams, JRG; Hess, M; Kotowicz, NK; Tan, S; Ferrari, E; Brisson, A; Zentek, J; Soloviev, M; Cutting, SM


WT Ferreira

HA Hong

JRG Adams

M Hess

NK Kotowicz

S Tan

E Ferrari

A Brisson

J Zentek

M Soloviev

SM Cutting


Clostridioides difficile is an environmentally acquired, anaerobic, spore-forming bacterium which ordinarily causes disease following antibiotic-mediated dysbiosis of the intestinal microbiota. Although much is understood regarding the life cycle of C. difficile, the fate of C. difficile spores upon ingestion remains unclear, and the underlying factors that predispose an individual to colonization and subsequent development of C. difficile infection (CDI) are not fully understood. Here, we show that Bacillus, a ubiquitous and environmentally acquired, spore-forming bacterium is associated with colonization resistance to C. difficile. Using animal models, we first provide evidence that animals housed under conditions that mimic reduced environmental exposure have an increased susceptibility to CDI, correlating with a loss in Bacillus. Lipopeptide micelles (similar to 10 nm) produced by some Bacilli isolated from the gastro-intestinal (GI)-tract and shown to have potent inhibitory activity to C. difficile have recently been reported. We show here that these micelles, that we refer to as heterogenous lipopeptide lytic micelles (HELMs), act synergistically with components present in the small intestine to augment inhibitory activity against C. difficile. Finally, we show that provision of HELM-producing Bacillus to microbiota-depleted animals suppresses C. difficile colonization thereby demonstrating the significant role played by Bacillus in colonization resistance. In the wider context, our study further demonstrates the importance of environmental microbes on susceptibility to pathogen colonization.


Ferreira, W., Hong, H., Adams, J., Hess, M., Kotowicz, N., Tan, S., …Cutting, S. (2022). Environmentally Acquired Bacillus and Their Role in C. difficile Colonization Resistance. Biomedicines, 10(5),

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Apr 18, 2022
Publication Date Apr 19, 2022
Deposit Date Aug 23, 2022
Publicly Available Date Aug 23, 2022
Publisher MDPI
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 10
Issue 5
Keywords Clostridioides difficile infection; Bacillus; environmental bacteria; allochthonous bacteria; lipopeptides; CLOSTRIDIUM-DIFFICILE; GUT MICROBIOTA; BILE-ACIDS; SUBTILIS; INFECTION; SUSCEPTIBILITY; LIPOPEPTIDES; SOLUBILIZATION; EPIDEMIOLOGY; SURFACTANTS


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