Sost deficiency does not alter bone’s lacunar or vascular porosity in mice
Journal Article
Mosey, H., Núñez, J. A., Goring, A., Clarkin, C. E., Staines, K. A., Lee, P. D., Pitsillides, A. A., & Javaheri, B. (2017). Sost deficiency does not alter bone’s lacunar or vascular porosity in mice. Frontiers in Materials, 4(27),
SCLEROSTIN (Sost) is expressed predominantly in osteocytes acting as a negative regulator of bone formation. In humans, mutations in the SOST gene lead to skeletal overgrowth and increased bone mineral density, suggesting that SCLEROSTIN is a key reg... Read More about Sost deficiency does not alter bone’s lacunar or vascular porosity in mice.