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Presence and size of synovial masses within the navicular bursa correlate well between MRI and bursoscopy and have a guarded prognosis (2023)
Journal Article
Giorio, M. E., Graham, R. J., Berner, D., O'Neill, H. D., & Bladon, B. M. (2023). Presence and size of synovial masses within the navicular bursa correlate well between MRI and bursoscopy and have a guarded prognosis. Equine Veterinary Journal,

Background: Focal hyperintense lesions within the navicular bursa emanating from the dorsal border of the deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT) can be recognised on T1-weighted magnetic resonance images (MRI) and have been attributed to lameness in horse... Read More about Presence and size of synovial masses within the navicular bursa correlate well between MRI and bursoscopy and have a guarded prognosis.