Ependymoma arising from the third ventricle mimicking optic neuritis in a dog
Journal Article
Crawford, A. H., Spiro, S., Smith, K. C., & Beltran, E. (2019). Ependymoma arising from the third ventricle mimicking optic neuritis in a dog. https://doi.org/10.1136/vetreccr-2019-000981
All Outputs (2)
A retrospective study of more than 400 feline nasal biopsy samples in the UK (2006–2013) (2019)
Journal Article
Ferguson, S., Smith, K. C., Welsh, C. E., & Dobromylskyj, M. J. (2019). A retrospective study of more than 400 feline nasal biopsy samples in the UK (2006–2013). Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, https://doi.org/10.1177/1098612X19881847