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Re-evaluating the placebo response in recent canine dietary epilepsy trials (2024)
Journal Article
Schmidt, T., Meyerhoff, N., Meller, S., Twele, F., Charalambous, M., Berk, B., Law, T., Packer, R., Zanghi, B., Pan, Y., Fischer, A., & Volk, H. (2024). Re-evaluating the placebo response in recent canine dietary epilepsy trials. BMC Veterinary Research, 20(1),

The placebo response is a common phenomenon. Limited evidence is available about its magnitude in canine epilepsy trials, even though it can significantly influence the efficacy evaluation of new treatments. It was hypothesised that the placebo respo... Read More about Re-evaluating the placebo response in recent canine dietary epilepsy trials.

Researcher, research thyself? Mapping the landscape of canine health and welfare research funding provided by UK not-for-profit organisations from 2012–2022 (2024)
Journal Article
O'Neill, D., Skipper, A. M., & Packer, R. M. . A. (2024). Researcher, research thyself? Mapping the landscape of canine health and welfare research funding provided by UK not-for-profit organisations from 2012–2022. Herpetological Conservation and Biology, 19(5), e0303498.

Background Research into canine health and welfare is supported by Government, charitable and private UK funding organisations. However, there is no current overall visibility or coordination of these funding activities, potentially compromising opti... Read More about Researcher, research thyself? Mapping the landscape of canine health and welfare research funding provided by UK not-for-profit organisations from 2012–2022.

Impacts of Puppy Early Life Experiences, Puppy-Purchasing Practices, and Owner Characteristics on Owner-Reported Problem Behaviours in a UK Pandemic Puppies Cohort at 21 Months of Age (2024)
Journal Article
Brand, C., Brand, C., O'Neill, D., Belshaw, Z., Dale, F., Merritt, B., Clover, K., Tay, M., Pegram, C., & Packer, R. (2024). Impacts of Puppy Early Life Experiences, Puppy-Purchasing Practices, and Owner Characteristics on Owner-Reported Problem Behaviours in a UK Pandemic Puppies Cohort at 21 Months of Age. Animals, 14(2), 336.

Problem behaviours are a leading cause of relinquishment and euthanasia of young dogs. Previous research has identified associations between owner-reported problem behaviours and risk factors, including how dogs were acquired as puppies, early social... Read More about Impacts of Puppy Early Life Experiences, Puppy-Purchasing Practices, and Owner Characteristics on Owner-Reported Problem Behaviours in a UK Pandemic Puppies Cohort at 21 Months of Age.