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Transglutaminase Type 2 Regulates ER-Mitochondria Contact Sites by Interacting with GRP75 (2018)
Journal Article
D'Eletto, M., Rossin, F., Occhigrossi, L., Farrace, M. G., Faccenda, D., Desai, R., Marchi, S., Refolo, G., Falasca, L., Antonioli, M., Ciccosanti, F., Fimia, G. M., Pinton, P., Campanella, M., & Piacentini, M. (2018). Transglutaminase Type 2 Regulates ER-Mitochondria Contact Sites by Interacting with GRP75. Cell Reports, 25(12), 3573-3581.

Transglutaminase type 2 (TG2) is a multifunctional enzyme that plays a key role in mitochondria homeostasis under stressful cellular conditions. TG2 interactome analysis reveals an enzyme interaction with GRP75 (glucose-regulated protein 75). GRP75 l... Read More about Transglutaminase Type 2 Regulates ER-Mitochondria Contact Sites by Interacting with GRP75.

The Veterinary Identity: A Time and Context Model (2018)
Journal Article
Armitage-Chan, E., & May, S. A. (2018). The Veterinary Identity: A Time and Context Model. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 46(2), 153-162.

The nature of professionalism teaching is a current issue in veterinary education, with an individual’s identity as a professional having implications for one’s values and behaviors, as well as for his or her career satisfaction and psychological wel... Read More about The Veterinary Identity: A Time and Context Model.

A radiographic measurement of left atrial size in dogs (2018)
Journal Article
Salguero, X. S., Prandi, D., Llabres-Diaz, F., Manzanilla, E. G., & Bussadori, C. (2018). A radiographic measurement of left atrial size in dogs. Irish Veterinary Journal, 71, 25.

The dimensions of the left atrium in cases with mitral regurgitation are an indirect measurement of its severity. The objective of this study was to evaluate the value of a new radiographic measurement, the radiographic left atrial dimension (RLAD),... Read More about A radiographic measurement of left atrial size in dogs.

Colonization of a commercial broiler line by Campylobacter is under limited genetic control and does not significantly impair performance or intestinal health (2018)
Journal Article
Bailey, R. A., Kranis, A., Psifidi, A., Watson, K. A., Rothwell, L., Hocking, P. M., Kaiser, P., Stevens, M. P., & Avendano, S. (2018). Colonization of a commercial broiler line by Campylobacter is under limited genetic control and does not significantly impair performance or intestinal health. Poultry Science, 97(12), 4167-4176.

Campylobacter is the leading bacterial cause of foodborne diarrheal illness in humans and source attribution studies unequivocally identify handling or consumption of poultry meat as a key risk factor. Campylobacter colonizes the avian intestines in... Read More about Colonization of a commercial broiler line by Campylobacter is under limited genetic control and does not significantly impair performance or intestinal health.

Intrahepatic congenital portosystemic shunts in dogs: short- and long-term outcome of suture attenuation (2018)
Journal Article
Tivers, M. S., Lipscomb, V. J., Bristow, P. C., & Brockman, D. J. (2018). Intrahepatic congenital portosystemic shunts in dogs: short- and long-term outcome of suture attenuation. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 59(4), 201-210.

Retrospective cohort study of dogs surgically treated for intrahepatic congenital portosystemic shunts between February 2000 and March 2015. Long-term follow-up was conducted by telephone conversations with the referring veterinary surgeon, owner, or... Read More about Intrahepatic congenital portosystemic shunts in dogs: short- and long-term outcome of suture attenuation.

Dissecting the Genomic Architecture of Resistance to Eimeria maxima Parasitism in the Chicken (2018)
Journal Article
Boulton, K., Nolan, M. J., Wu, Z., Riggio, V., Matika, O., Harman, K., Hocking, P. M., Bumstead, N., Hesketh, P., Archer, A., Bishop, S. C., Kaiser, P., Tomley, F. M., Hume, D. A., Smith, A. L., Blake, D. P., & Psifidi, A. (2018). Dissecting the Genomic Architecture of Resistance to Eimeria maxima Parasitism in the Chicken. Frontiers in Genetics, 9,

Coccidiosis in poultry, caused by protozoan parasites of the genus Eimeria, is an intestinal disease with substantial economic impact. With the use of anticoccidial drugs under public and political pressure, and the comparatively higher cost of live-... Read More about Dissecting the Genomic Architecture of Resistance to Eimeria maxima Parasitism in the Chicken.

Inter-rater and inter-device reliability of mechanical thresholds measurement with the Electronic von Frey Anaesthesiometer and the SMALGO in healthy cats (2018)
Journal Article
Adami, C., Lardone, E., & Monticelli, P. (2018). Inter-rater and inter-device reliability of mechanical thresholds measurement with the Electronic von Frey Anaesthesiometer and the SMALGO in healthy cats. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery,

The aim of this study was to compare the Electronic von Frey Anaesthesiometer (EVF) and the Small Animal ALGOmeter (SMALGO), used to measure sensory thresholds in 13 healthy cats at both the stifle and the lumbosacral joint, in terms of inter-rater a... Read More about Inter-rater and inter-device reliability of mechanical thresholds measurement with the Electronic von Frey Anaesthesiometer and the SMALGO in healthy cats.

How to Perform Umbilical Cord Arterial and Venous Blood Sampling in Neonatal Foals (2018)
Journal Article
Jeawon, S. S., Katz, L. M., Galvin, N. P., Cahalan, S. D., & Duggan, V. E. (2018). How to Perform Umbilical Cord Arterial and Venous Blood Sampling in Neonatal Foals. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science,

Umbilical cord arterial and venous blood gas analysis is a commonly performed procedure in human neonatal medicine to help ascertain a newborn infant’s oxygenation and acid-base status prior to birth. Defined protocols for performing the procedure ha... Read More about How to Perform Umbilical Cord Arterial and Venous Blood Sampling in Neonatal Foals.

A second KRT71 allele in curly coated dogs (2018)
Journal Article
Bauer, A., Hadji Rasouliha, S., Brunner, M. T., Jagannathan, V., Bucher, I., Bannoehr, J., Varjonen, K., Bond, R., Bergvall, K., Welle, M. M., Roosje, P., & Leeb, T. (2018). A second KRT71 allele in curly coated dogs. Animal Genetics, 50(1), 97-100.

Major characteristics of coat variation in dogs can be explained by variants in only a few genes. Until now, only one missense variant in the KRT71 gene, p.Arg151Trp, has been reported to cause curly hair in dogs. However, this variant does not expla... Read More about A second KRT71 allele in curly coated dogs.

Holter monitoring demonstrates that ventricular arrhythmias are common in cats with decompensated and compensated hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (2018)
Journal Article
Bartoszuk, U., Keene, B. W., Toaldo, M. B., Pereira, N., Summerfield, N., Novo Matos, J., & Glaus, T. M. (2018). Holter monitoring demonstrates that ventricular arrhythmias are common in cats with decompensated and compensated hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Arrhythmias can complicate cardiac disease in cats and are a potential cause of sudden death. The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence and nature of cardiac arrhythmias, and the potential correlation between plasma serum troponin I (cTnI) c... Read More about Holter monitoring demonstrates that ventricular arrhythmias are common in cats with decompensated and compensated hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Anatomy Teaching, a “Model” Answer? Evaluating “Geoff”, a Painted Anatomical Horse, as a Tool for Enhancing Topographical Anatomy Learning (2018)
Journal Article
Bietzk, E., Weller, R., Simons, V., & Channon, S. B. (2018). Anatomy Teaching, a “Model” Answer? Evaluating “Geoff”, a Painted Anatomical Horse, as a Tool for Enhancing Topographical Anatomy Learning. Anatomical Sciences Education,

Development of new methods for anatomy teaching is increasingly important as we look to modernize and supplement traditional teaching methods. In this study, a life‐sized equine model, “Geoff” was painted with surface and deep anatomical structures w... Read More about Anatomy Teaching, a “Model” Answer? Evaluating “Geoff”, a Painted Anatomical Horse, as a Tool for Enhancing Topographical Anatomy Learning.

Veterinary care of guinea pigs. Part 1: husbandry, stabilisation and diagnostics (2018)
Journal Article
Edis, A., & Pellett, A. (2018). Veterinary care of guinea pigs. Part 1: husbandry, stabilisation and diagnostics. Companion Animal, 23(11),

Guinea pigs (Cavea porcellus) are popular pets within the UK. Owner expectations regarding advice and treatment for this species is increasing, and they may be presented to the veterinary clinic both for routine health checks and for treatment of ill... Read More about Veterinary care of guinea pigs. Part 1: husbandry, stabilisation and diagnostics.

Reporting of suspected dog fighting to the police, RSPCA and equivalents by veterinary professionals in the UK (2018)
Journal Article
Milroy, K., Whiting, M., & Abeyesinghe, S. M. (2018). Reporting of suspected dog fighting to the police, RSPCA and equivalents by veterinary professionals in the UK. Veterinary Record, 183(567),

Dog fighting became unlawful in the UK in 1835, yet it continues today (as reported by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) and Crown Prosecution Service), although with an unknown prevalence. We used an online questionn... Read More about Reporting of suspected dog fighting to the police, RSPCA and equivalents by veterinary professionals in the UK.