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Regulation of mitophagy by the NSL complex underlies genetic risk for Parkinson’s disease at 16q11.2 and MAPT H1 loci (2022)
Journal Article
Soutar, M. P. M., Melandri, D., O’Callaghan, B., Annuario, E., Monaghan, A. E., Welsh, N. J., D’Sa, K., Guelfi, S., Zhang, D., Pittman, A., Trabzuni, D., Verboven, A. H. A., Pan, K. S., Kia, D. A., Bictash, M., Gandhi, S., Houlden, H., Cookson, M. R., Kasri, N. N., Wood, N. W., …Plun-Favreau, H. (2022). Regulation of mitophagy by the NSL complex underlies genetic risk for Parkinson’s disease at 16q11.2 and MAPT H1 loci. Brain, 145(12), 4349-4367.