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Preventing phosphorylation of dystroglycan ameliorates the dystrophic phenotype in mdx mouse
Journal Article
Miller, G., Moore, C. J., Terry, R. L., La Riviere, T., Mitchell, A., Piggott, R., Dear, T. N., Wells, D. J., & Winder, S. J. (in press). Preventing phosphorylation of dystroglycan ameliorates the dystrophic phenotype in mdx mouse. Human Molecular Genetics, 21(20), 4508-4520.

Loss of dystrophin protein due to mutations in the DMD gene causes Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Dystrophin loss also leads to the loss of the dystrophin glycoprotein complex (DGC) from the sarcolemma which contributes to the dystrophic phenotype. Tyr... Read More about Preventing phosphorylation of dystroglycan ameliorates the dystrophic phenotype in mdx mouse.