Use of subcutaneous ureteral bypass systems as a bridge to definitive ureteral repair in a cat with bilateral ureteral ligation secondary to complicated ovariohysterectomy
Journal Article
Beer, A., Lipscomb, V. J., Rutherford, L., & Lee, K. C. L. (2019). Use of subcutaneous ureteral bypass systems as a bridge to definitive ureteral repair in a cat with bilateral ureteral ligation secondary to complicated ovariohysterectomy.
A kitten presented with acute kidney injury, bilateral hydronephrosis and proximal hydroureter, three days following bilateral ureteral ligation, during a complicated ovariohysterectomy procedure. Clinical signs were anorexia, lethargy, weakness, hyp... Read More about Use of subcutaneous ureteral bypass systems as a bridge to definitive ureteral repair in a cat with bilateral ureteral ligation secondary to complicated ovariohysterectomy.