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All Outputs (37)

Prediction of metabolic clusters in early-lactation dairy cows using models based on milk biomarkers
Journal Article
De Koster, J., Salavati, M., Grelet, C., Crowe, M. A., Matthews, E., O'Flaherty, R., Opsomer, G., Foldager, L., Hostens, M., McLoughlin, N., Fahey, A., Santoro, A., Byrne, C., Rudd, P., Hallinan, S., Wathes, D. C., Cheng, Z. R., Fouladi-Nashta, A. A., Pollott, G., Werling, D., …Vrea, S. P. Prediction of metabolic clusters in early-lactation dairy cows using models based on milk biomarkers. Journal of Dairy Science, 102(3), 2631-2644.

The effect of genetic merit and production system on dairy cow fertility, measured using progesterone profiles and on-farm recording
Journal Article
Pollott, G. E., & Coffey, M. P. The effect of genetic merit and production system on dairy cow fertility, measured using progesterone profiles and on-farm recording. Journal of Dairy Science, 91(9), 3649-3660.

The recent decline in dairy cow fertility appears to be a feature of several countries and is often linked to increased milk production, but its causes are not always obvious. A fully recorded 200-cow dairy herd, split into 2 genetic lines maintained... Read More about The effect of genetic merit and production system on dairy cow fertility, measured using progesterone profiles and on-farm recording.