Environmental factors affecting lactation curve parameters in the United Kingdom's commercial dairy herds
Journal Article
Albarran-Portillo, B., & Pollott, G. E. Environmental factors affecting lactation curve parameters in the United Kingdom's commercial dairy herds
All Outputs (37)
Associations between lipid metabolism and fertility in the dairy cow
Journal Article
Wathes, D. C., Clempson, A. M., & Pollott, G. E. Associations between lipid metabolism and fertility in the dairy cow. https://doi.org/10.1071/RD12272
The effect of lactation length on greenhouse gas emissions from the national dairy herd
Journal Article
Wall, E., Coffey, M. P., & Pollott, G. E. The effect of lactation length on greenhouse gas emissions from the national dairy herd. animal, 6(11), 1857-1867. https://doi.org/10.1017/s1751731112000936
Investigation of transferability of BovineSNP50 BeadChip from cattle to water buffalo for genome wide association study
Journal Article
Wu, J. J., Song, L. J., Wu, F. J., Liang, X. W., Yang, B. Z., Wathes, D. C., Pollott, G. E., Cheng, Z. R., Shi, D. S., Liu, Q. Y., Yang, L. G., & Zhang, S. Investigation of transferability of BovineSNP50 BeadChip from cattle to water buffalo for genome wide association study. Molecular Biology Reports, 40(2), 743-50. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11033-012-1932-1
Selectively bred rat model system for low and high response to exercise training
Journal Article
Koch, L. G., Pollott, G. E., & Britton, S. L. Selectively bred rat model system for low and high response to exercise training. Physiological Genomics, 45(14), 606-614. https://doi.org/10.1152/physiolgenomics.00021.2013
The relationship between fertility and lactation characteristics in Holstein cows on United Kingdom commercial dairy farms
Journal Article
Albarran-Portillo, B., & Pollott, G. E. The relationship between fertility and lactation characteristics in Holstein cows on United Kingdom commercial dairy farms. Journal of Dairy Science, 96(1), 635-646. https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2012-5632
Heifer fertility and carry over consequences for life timeproduction in dairy and beef cattle
Journal Article
Wathes, D. C., Pollott, G. E., Johnson, K. F., Richardson, H., & Cooke, J. S. Heifer fertility and carry over consequences for life timeproduction in dairy and beef cattle. animal, 8, 91-104. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1751731114000755
A noninvasive method for measuring mammary apoptosis and epithelial cell activation in dairy animals using microparticles extracted from milk
Journal Article
Pollott, G. E., Wilson, K., Jerram, L., Fowkes, R. C., & Lawson, C. A noninvasive method for measuring mammary apoptosis and epithelial cell activation in dairy animals using microparticles extracted from milk. Journal of Dairy Science, 97, 5017-5022. https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2014-8036
Technical note: A noninvasive method for measuring mammary apoptosis and epithelial cell activation in dairy animals using microparticles extracted from milk
Journal Article
Pollott, G. E., Wilson, K., Jerram, L., Fowkes, R. C., & Lawson, C. Technical note: A noninvasive method for measuring mammary apoptosis and epithelial cell activation in dairy animals using microparticles extracted from milk. Journal of Dairy Science, 97(8), 5017-5022. https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2014-8036
Possibilities to improve the genetic evaluation of a rare breed using limited genomic information and multivariate BLUP
Journal Article
Pollott, G. E., Charlesworth, A., & Wathes, D. C. Possibilities to improve the genetic evaluation of a rare breed using limited genomic information and multivariate BLUP. animal, 8(5), 685-694. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1751731114000330
Bovine P-selectin mediates leukocyte adhesion and is highly polymorphic in dairy breeds
Journal Article
Chen, X., Cheng, Z. R., Werling, D., Pollott, G. E., Salavati, M., Johnson, K. F., Khan, F. A., Wathes, D. C., & Zhang, S. J. (in press). Bovine P-selectin mediates leukocyte adhesion and is highly polymorphic in dairy breeds. Research in Veterinary Science, 108, 85-92. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rvsc.2016.08.004
Prediction of metabolic clusters in early-lactation dairy cows using models based on milk biomarkers
Journal Article
De Koster, J., Salavati, M., Grelet, C., Crowe, M. A., Matthews, E., O'Flaherty, R., Opsomer, G., Foldager, L., Hostens, M., McLoughlin, N., Fahey, A., Santoro, A., Byrne, C., Rudd, P., Hallinan, S., Wathes, D. C., Cheng, Z. R., Fouladi-Nashta, A. A., Pollott, G., Werling, D., …Vrea, S. P. Prediction of metabolic clusters in early-lactation dairy cows using models based on milk biomarkers. Journal of Dairy Science, 102(3), 2631-2644. https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2018-15533
The effect of genetic merit and production system on dairy cow fertility, measured using progesterone profiles and on-farm recording
Journal Article
Pollott, G. E., & Coffey, M. P. The effect of genetic merit and production system on dairy cow fertility, measured using progesterone profiles and on-farm recording. Journal of Dairy Science, 91(9), 3649-3660. https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2007-0913The recent decline in dairy cow fertility appears to be a feature of several countries and is often linked to increased milk production, but its causes are not always obvious. A fully recorded 200-cow dairy herd, split into 2 genetic lines maintained... Read More about The effect of genetic merit and production system on dairy cow fertility, measured using progesterone profiles and on-farm recording.
Effect of cattle genotype and variable feed supply on forage intake and digestibility
Journal Article
Habib, M., Pollott, G. E., & Leaver, J. D. Effect of cattle genotype and variable feed supply on forage intake and digestibility
Genotype x environment interactions and genetic parameters for fecal egg count and production traits of Merino sheep
Journal Article
Pollott, G. E., & Greeff, J. C. Genotype x environment interactions and genetic parameters for fecal egg count and production traits of Merino sheep. Journal of Animal Science, 82(10), 2840-2851
Deconstructing milk yield and composition during lactation using biologically based lactation models
Journal Article
Pollott, G. E. Deconstructing milk yield and composition during lactation using biologically based lactation models. Journal of Dairy Science, 87(8), 2375-2387
Nuclear, cytoplasmic, and environmental effects on growth, fat, and muscle traits in Suffolk lambs from a sire referencing scheme
Journal Article
Maniatis, N., & Pollott, G. E. Nuclear, cytoplasmic, and environmental effects on growth, fat, and muscle traits in Suffolk lambs from a sire referencing scheme. Journal of Animal Science, 80,