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All Outputs (2)

Antimicrobial residues in meat from chickens in Northeast Vietnam: analytical validation and pilot study for sampling optimisation (2024)
Journal Article
Pelligand, L., Hedges, S., Cheng, L., Seow, K., Thi, T. H., Huong, L. Q., …Tomley, F. (2024). Antimicrobial residues in meat from chickens in Northeast Vietnam: analytical validation and pilot study for sampling optimisation. Journal für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit,

Antimicrobials used in chicken farming for therapeutic and/or prophylactic purposes may result in unacceptable levels of edible residues, if withdrawal periods are not respected. To evaluate the risk in Vietnam, we validated an analytical methods to... Read More about Antimicrobial residues in meat from chickens in Northeast Vietnam: analytical validation and pilot study for sampling optimisation.

Increasing flower species richness in agricultural landscapes alters insect pollinator networks: Implications for bee health and competition (2022)
Journal Article
Doublet, V., Doyle, T., Refoy, I., Hedges, S., Carvell, C., Brown, M., & Wilfert, L. (2022). Increasing flower species richness in agricultural landscapes alters insect pollinator networks: Implications for bee health and competition. Ecology and Evolution, 12(10),

Ecological restoration programs are established to reverse land degradation, mitigate biodiversity loss, and reinstate ecosystem services. Following recent agricultural intensification that led to a decrease in flower diversity and density in rural a... Read More about Increasing flower species richness in agricultural landscapes alters insect pollinator networks: Implications for bee health and competition.