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Impact of host age on viral and bacterial communities in a waterbird population

Hill, Sarah Catherine; François, Sarah; Thézé, Julien; Smith, Adrian; Simmonds, Peter; Perrins, Christopher; Van Der Hoek, Lia; Pybus, Oliver


Sarah Catherine Hill

Sarah François

Julien Thézé

Adrian Smith

Peter Simmonds

Christopher Perrins

Lia Van Der Hoek

Oliver Pybus


Wildlife harbour pathogens that can harm human or livestock health and are the source of most emerging infectious diseases. It is rarely considered how changes in wildlife population age-structures or how age-stratified behaviours might alter the level of pathogen detection within a species, or risk of spillover to other species. Micro-organisms that occur in healthy animals can be an important model for understanding and predicting the dynamics of pathogens of greater health concern, which are hard to study in wild populations due to their relative rarity. We therefore used a metagenomic approach to jointly characterise viral and prokaryotic carriage in faeces collected from a healthy wild bird population (Cygnus olor; mute swan) that has been subject to long-term study. Using 223 samples from known individuals allowed us to compare differences in prokaryotic and eukaryotic viral carriage between adults and juveniles at an unprecedented level of detail. We discovered and characterised 77 novel virus species, of which 21% belong putatively to bird-infecting families, and described the core prokaryotic microbiome of C. olor. Whilst no difference in microbiota diversity was observed between juveniles and adult individuals, 50% (4/8) of bird-infecting virus families (picornaviruses, astroviruses, adenoviruses and bornaviruses) and 3.4% (9/267) of prokaryotic families (including Helicobacteraceae, Spirochaetaceae and Flavobacteriaceae families) were differentially abundant and/or prevalent between juveniles and adults. This indicates that perturbations that affect population age-structures of wildlife could alter circulation dynamics and spillover risk of microbes, potentially including pathogens.


Hill, S. C., François, S., Thézé, J., Smith, A., Simmonds, P., Perrins, C., Van Der Hoek, L., & Pybus, O. (in press). Impact of host age on viral and bacterial communities in a waterbird population. ISME Journal,

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Oct 11, 2022
Online Publication Date Nov 1, 2022
Deposit Date Sep 6, 2021
Publicly Available Date Nov 2, 2022
Journal ISME Journal
Print ISSN 1751-7362
Electronic ISSN 1751-7370
Publisher Springer Nature [academic journals on]
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Keywords wildlife; infectious disease; microbiome; demography
Publisher URL


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