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The effect of attenuating dietary phosphate restriction on blood ionized calcium concentrations in cats with chronic kidney disease and ionized hypercalcemia

Rebecca, FG; van den Broek, DHN; Chang, YM; Biourge, V; Elliott, J; Jepson, RE


FG Rebecca

DHN van den Broek

YM Chang

V Biourge

J Elliott

RE Jepson


Background Hypercalcemia is commonly observed in cats with azotemic chronic kidney disease (CKD). Dietary phosphate restriction is considered standard of care but may contribute to the development of hypercalcemia. The optimal dietary management strategy for these cats is unclear. Objectives To describe the effect of feeding a moderately phosphate-restricted diet (MP; 1.5 g/Mcal phosphorus; Ca : P ratio, 1.3) to cats with concurrent azotemic CKD and ionized hypercalcemia. Animals Client-owned cats with ionized hypercalcemia (ionized calcium [iCa] concentration >1.4 mmol/L) at diagnosis of CKD (n = 11; baseline hypercalcemics) or after CKD diagnosis while eating a phosphate-restricted clinical renal diet (0.8 g/Mcal phosphorus; Ca : P ratio, 1.9; n = 10; RD hypercalcemics). Methods Changes in variables over time, after starting MP at visit 1, were assessed using linear mixed model analysis within each group of cats. Data are reporte as median [25th, 75th percentiles]. Results At visit 1, iCa was 1.47 [1.42, 1.55] mmol/L for baseline hypercalcemics and 1.53 [1.5, 1.67] mmol/L for RD hypercalcemics. Blood iCa decreased (P < .001) when RD hypercalcemics were fed MP, with iCa


Rebecca, F., van den Broek, D., Chang, Y., Biourge, V., Elliott, J., & Jepson, R. (2021). The effect of attenuating dietary phosphate restriction on blood ionized calcium concentrations in cats with chronic kidney disease and ionized hypercalcemia. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 35(2), 997-1007.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jan 18, 2021
Publication Date 2021
Deposit Date Nov 25, 2021
Publicly Available Date Nov 25, 2021
Journal Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine
Print ISSN 0891-6640
Electronic ISSN 1939-1676
Publisher Wiley Open Access
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 35
Issue 2
Pages 997-1007
Keywords CKD; diet; feline; renal
Public URL


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