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Ear health and quality of life in pet rabbits of differing ear conformations: a UK questionnaire survey of signalment risk factors and effects on rabbit welfare and behaviour

Chivers, Benedict; Keeler, Melissa; Burn, Charlotte


Benedict Chivers

Melissa Keeler

Charlotte Burn


The impacts of ear disease on animal welfare and behaviour are little documented. Ear disease may be common in rabbits, but difficult to recognise, and lop-ears have previously been indicated as a risk factor for ear disease. We aimed to better understand the range of ear conditions in pet rabbits, signalment risk factors, and impacts on welfare and behaviour. Through an online questionnaire, we investigated owner-reported signalment, veterinary diagnosis of ear conditions, impaired hearing, and ear pain for UK pet rabbits. The relationships between ear condition measures and ear conformation, the effect of ear problems on quality of life, and behavioural predictors of ear conditions, were analysed using logistic regression. In total, 551 valid responses were analysed. Approximately 25% of lop-eared rabbits had an ear condition indicated by a vet compared to 10% of erect-eared rabbits, with otitis and excess cerumen most common. Lop-eared, half-lop, and older rabbits were most at risk (P<0.050). Rabbits reported as showing ear pain responses had a reduced owner-reported quality of life compared with other rabbits (P<0.050). Rabbits with ear problems were less likely to be responsive to relevant sounds, and performed binky behaviour (joy jumps) less frequently, than rabbits without such issues. Understanding prevalence and risk factors for ear conditions is critical to improving welfare standards across this widely owned pet species. The findings suggest that avoiding breeding from rabbits with early signs, or a family history, of ear disease will be important to help combat this animal welfare issue.


Chivers, B., Keeler, M., & Burn, C. (2023). Ear health and quality of life in pet rabbits of differing ear conformations: a UK questionnaire survey of signalment risk factors and effects on rabbit welfare and behaviour. PLoS ONE,

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Apr 24, 2023
Publication Date Jul 19, 2023
Deposit Date Jul 10, 2023
Publicly Available Date Jul 27, 2023
Journal PLoS ONE
Electronic ISSN 1932-6203
Publisher Public Library of Science
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Keywords Animal welfare, Ear disease, Exotic veterinary medicine, Otitis, Pain behaviour, Rabbits


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