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Detecting mecA in faecal samples: a tool for assessing carriage of meticillin resistant staphylococci in pets and owners in the microbiological ‘fast age’?

Frosini, Sian-Marie; Gallow, Georgina; Gibson, Amanda; Menezes, Juliana; Pomba, Constanca; Loeffler, Anette


Sian-Marie Frosini

Georgina Gallow

Amanda Gibson

Juliana Menezes

Constanca Pomba

Anette Loeffler


Sampling animals for carriage of meticillin-resistant coagulase-positive staphylococci (MRCoPS), considered zoonotic pathogens, can be challenging and time-consuming. Developing methods to identify mecA from non-invasive samples, e.g. faeces, would benefit AMR surveil-lance and management of MRS-carrier animals. This study aimed to distinguish MRS-carriers from non-carriers from faecal samples using quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) for mecA. Paired faecal and nasal swab samples (n=86) were obtained from 13 dogs and 20 humans as part of a longitudinal study. Nasal MRCoPS-carriage was confirmed by identification of species (nuc) and meticillin-resistance (mecA) (PCR). Faecal DNA (n=69) was extracted and a qPCR method was optimised to provide a robust detection method. Presence of faecal mecA was com-pared between MRS-carriers and non-carriers (Kruskal-Wallis test). Nasal swabbing identified seven canine and four human MRCoPS-carriers. mecA was detected in 13/69 faecal samples, in-cluding four MRCoPS-carriers and nine non-carriers. For dogs, there was no significant associa-tion (P=1.000) between carrier status and mecA detection; for humans, mecA was more commonly detected in MRCoPS-carriers (P = 0.047). mecA was detected in faeces of MRCoPS-carriers and non-carriers by qPCR, however larger sample sizes are required to determine assay sensitivity. This rapid method enables passive surveillance of mecA in individuals and the environment.


Frosini, S.-M., Gallow, G., Gibson, A., Menezes, J., Pomba, C., & Loeffler, A. (in press). Detecting mecA in faecal samples: a tool for assessing carriage of meticillin resistant staphylococci in pets and owners in the microbiological ‘fast age’?. Microbiology Research,

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jan 10, 2023
Online Publication Date Jan 13, 2023
Deposit Date Dec 15, 2022
Publicly Available Date Feb 21, 2023
Journal Microbiology Research
Print ISSN 2036-7481
Publisher PAGEpress
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed