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Natural Polymeric Composites Derived from Animals, Plants, and Microbes for Vaccine Delivery and Adjuvant Applications: A Review

Nordin, A; Husna, SMN; Ahmad, Z; Nordin, ML; Ilyas, RA; Azemi, AK; Ismail, N; Siti, NH; Ngadi, N; Azami, MSM; Norpi, ASM; Reduan, MFH; Osman, AY; Pratama, DAOA; Nabgan, W; Shaari, R


A Nordin

SMN Husna

Z Ahmad

ML Nordin

RA Ilyas

AK Azemi

N Ismail

NH Siti

N Ngadi

MSM Azami

ASM Norpi

MFH Reduan

AY Osman

DAOA Pratama

W Nabgan

R Shaari


A key element in ensuring successful immunization is the efficient delivery of vaccines. However, poor immunogenicity and adverse inflammatory immunogenic reactions make the establishment of an efficient vaccine delivery method a challenging task. The delivery of vaccines has been performed via a variety of delivery methods, including natural-polymer-based carriers that are relatively biocompatible and have low toxicity. The incorporation of adjuvants or antigens into biomaterial-based immunizations has demonstrated better immune response than formulations that just contain the antigen. This system may enable antigen-mediated immunogenicity and shelter and transport the cargo vaccine or antigen to the appropriate target organ. In this regard, this work reviews the recent applications of natural polymer composites from different sources, such as animals, plants, and microbes, in vaccine delivery systems.


Nordin, A., Husna, S., Ahmad, Z., Nordin, M., Ilyas, R., Azemi, A., Ismail, N., Siti, N., Ngadi, N., Azami, M., Norpi, A., Reduan, M., Osman, A., Pratama, D., Nabgan, W., & Shaari, R. (2023). Natural Polymeric Composites Derived from Animals, Plants, and Microbes for Vaccine Delivery and Adjuvant Applications: A Review. Gels, 9(3),

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Mar 13, 2023
Online Publication Date Mar 15, 2023
Publication Date 2023
Deposit Date Feb 9, 2024
Publicly Available Date Feb 9, 2024
Print ISSN 2310-2861
Electronic ISSN 2310-2861
Publisher MDPI
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 9
Issue 3
Keywords natural polymer; vaccine delivery; adjuvant; plant; animal; microbe; PROTEIN VACCINE; NANOPARTICLES; CHITOSAN; DNA; HYDROGEL; ANTIGEN; CELLS; MACROPHAGES; FORMULATION; ANTIBODIES


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