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Artificial mass loading disrupts stable social order in pigeon dominance hierarchies (2020)
Journal Article
Portugal, S. J., Usherwood, J. R., White, C. R., Sankey, D. W. E., & Wilson, A. M. (2020). Artificial mass loading disrupts stable social order in pigeon dominance hierarchies. Biology Letters, 16(8), 20200468

Dominance hierarchies confer benefits to group members by decreasing the incidences of physical conflict, but may result in certain lower ranked individuals consistently missing out on access to resources. Here, we report a linear dominance hierarchy... Read More about Artificial mass loading disrupts stable social order in pigeon dominance hierarchies.

Spatial and temporal overlaps between leopards ( Panthera pardus ) and their competitors in the African large predator guild (2020)
Journal Article
Rafiq, K., Hayward, M. W., Wilson, A. M., Meloro, C., Jordan, N. R., Wich, S. A., McNutt, J. W., & Golabek, K. A. (2020). Spatial and temporal overlaps between leopards ( Panthera pardus ) and their competitors in the African large predator guild. Journal of Zoology, 311(4), 246-259

Understanding the mechanisms facilitating coexistence within species assemblages is a key consideration for conservation as intact assemblages are necessary for maintaining full ecosystem function. The African large predator guild represents one of t... Read More about Spatial and temporal overlaps between leopards ( Panthera pardus ) and their competitors in the African large predator guild.