Vitamin K catabolite inhibition of ovariectomy-induced bone loss: Structure–activity relationship considerations
Journal Article
Soper, R. J., Oguz, C., Emery, R., Pitsillides, A. A., & Hodges, S. J. (2014). Vitamin K catabolite inhibition of ovariectomy-induced bone loss: Structure–activity relationship considerations. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 58(8), 1658-1666.
The potential benefit of vitamin K as a therapeutic in osteoporosis is controversial and the vitamin K regimen being used clinically (45 mg/day) employs doses that are many times higher than required to ensure maximal gamma‐carboxylation of the vitam... Read More about Vitamin K catabolite inhibition of ovariectomy-induced bone loss: Structure–activity relationship considerations.