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NO Synthesis but Not Apoptosis, Mitosis or Inflammation Can Explain Correlations between Flow Directionality and Paracellular Permeability of Cultured Endothelium (2022)
Journal Article
Ghim, M., Yang, S.-W., David, K. R. Z., Eustaquio, J., Warboys, C. M., & Weinberg, P. D. (2022). NO Synthesis but Not Apoptosis, Mitosis or Inflammation Can Explain Correlations between Flow Directionality and Paracellular Permeability of Cultured Endothelium. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(15), 8076.

Haemodynamic wall shear stress varies from site to site within the arterial system and is thought to cause local variation in endothelial permeability to macromolecules. Our aim was to investigate mechanisms underlying the changes in paracellular per... Read More about NO Synthesis but Not Apoptosis, Mitosis or Inflammation Can Explain Correlations between Flow Directionality and Paracellular Permeability of Cultured Endothelium.