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All Outputs (2)

Social buffering in a bird (2015)
Journal Article
Edgar, J., Held, S., Paul, E., Pettersson, I., L'Anson-Price, R., & Nicol, C. J. (2015). Social buffering in a bird. Animal Behaviour, 105, 11-19.

The presence of a conspecific can ameliorate an individual's stress response. This social buffering is known to be widespread in social mammals but the capacity of birds to act as social buffers has not yet been determined. We previously demonstrated... Read More about Social buffering in a bird.

Elevated arousal at time of decision-making is not the arbiter of risk avoidance in chickens (2015)
Journal Article
Davies, A. C., Radford, A. N., Pettersson, I. C., Yang, F. P., & Nicol, C. J. (2015). Elevated arousal at time of decision-making is not the arbiter of risk avoidance in chickens.

The somatic marker hypothesis proposes that humans recall previously experienced physiological responses to aid decision-making under uncertainty. However, little is known about the mechanisms used by non-human animals to integrate risk perception wi... Read More about Elevated arousal at time of decision-making is not the arbiter of risk avoidance in chickens.