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Risk associated with animals moved from herds infected with brucellosis in Northern Ireland
Journal Article
Stringer, L. A., Guitian, J., Abernethy, D. A., Honhold, N. H., & Menzies, F. D. Risk associated with animals moved from herds infected with brucellosis in Northern Ireland. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 84(1-2), 72-84.

The movement of cattle front herds infected with Brucella abortus was investigated in order to assess the control measures for eradication of brucellosis from the cattle population of Northern Ireland. Using recorded cattle movement data, a historica... Read More about Risk associated with animals moved from herds infected with brucellosis in Northern Ireland.

Brucellosis in dairy herds: a public health concern in the milk supply chains of West and Central Africa
Journal Article
Musallam, I. I., Ndour, A. P., Yempabou, D., Crystella Ngong, C.-A., Fotsac Dzousse, M., Mouiche-Mouliom, M.-M., Kameni Feussom, J. M., Bosco Ntirandekura, J., Ntakirutimana, D., Fane, A., Dembele, E., Doumbia, A., Siméon Ayih-Akakpo, A. A. P.-H., Pato, P., Pali, M., Tapsoba, A. S. R., Minougou Compaore, G., Gagara, H., Garba, A., Chengat Prakashbabu, B., …Guitian, J. (in press). Brucellosis in dairy herds: a public health concern in the milk supply chains of West and Central Africa. Acta Tropica, 197,

Ten herd-level cross-sectional studies were conducted in peri-urban dairy production areas of seven West and Central African countries (Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Togo). The objectives were to estimate herd level Brucel... Read More about Brucellosis in dairy herds: a public health concern in the milk supply chains of West and Central Africa.

Illumina next generation sequencing for the analysis of Eimeria populations in commercial broilers and indigenous chickens
Journal Article
Hinsu, A. T., Thakkar, J. R., Koringa, P. G., Vrba, V., Jakhesara, S. J., Psifidi, A., Guitian, J., Tomley, F. M., Rank, D. N., Raman, M., Joshi, C. G., & Blake, D. P. (in press). Illumina next generation sequencing for the analysis of Eimeria populations in commercial broilers and indigenous chickens. Frontiers in Veterinary Science,

Eimeria species parasites can cause the enteric disease coccidiosis, most notably in chickens where the economic and welfare implications are significant. Seven Eimeria species are recognized to infect chickens, although understanding of their region... Read More about Illumina next generation sequencing for the analysis of Eimeria populations in commercial broilers and indigenous chickens.

Integrated cost-benefit analysis of tsetse control and herd productivity to inform control programs for animal African trypanosomiasis
Journal Article
Meyer, A., Holt, H. R., Oumarou,, F., Chilongo, K., Gilbert, W., Fauron, A., Mumba, C., & Guitian, J. (in press). Integrated cost-benefit analysis of tsetse control and herd productivity to inform control programs for animal African trypanosomiasis.

Animal African trypanosomiasis (AAT) and its tsetse vector are responsible for annual losses estimated in billions of US dollars ($). Recent years have seen the implementation of a series of multinational interventions. However, actors of AAT control... Read More about Integrated cost-benefit analysis of tsetse control and herd productivity to inform control programs for animal African trypanosomiasis.

Multiple-Strain Approach and Probabilistic Modeling of Consumer Habits in Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment: A Quantitative Assessment of Exposure to Staphylococcal Enterotoxin A in Raw Milk
Journal Article
Crotta, M., Rizzi, R., Varisco, G., Daminelli, P., Cunico, E. C., Luini, M., Graber, H. U., Paterlini, F., & Guitian, J. Multiple-Strain Approach and Probabilistic Modeling of Consumer Habits in Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment: A Quantitative Assessment of Exposure to Staphylococcal Enterotoxin A in Raw Milk. Journal of Food Protection, 79(3), 432-441.

Live bird markets characterization and trading network analysis in Mali: Implications for the surveillance and control of avian influenza and Newcastle disease
Journal Article
Molia, S., Boly, I. A., Duboz, R., Coulibaly, B., Guitian, J., Grosbois, V., Fournié, G., & Pfeiffer, D. U. (in press). Live bird markets characterization and trading network analysis in Mali: Implications for the surveillance and control of avian influenza and Newcastle disease. Acta Tropica, 155, 77-88.

Green offal inspection of cattle, small ruminants and pigs in the United Kingdom: Impact assessment of changes in the inspection protocol on likelihood of detection of selected hazards
Journal Article
Blagojevic, B., Dadios, N., Reinmann, K., Guitian, J., & Staerk, K. D. C. (in press). Green offal inspection of cattle, small ruminants and pigs in the United Kingdom: Impact assessment of changes in the inspection protocol on likelihood of detection of selected hazards. Research in Veterinary Science, 100, 31-38.