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All Outputs (8)

Developing and validating a rapid assessment tool for small ruminant reproduction and production in pastoralist flocks in Kajiado, Kenya (2021)
Journal Article
Ballesteros, C., Mwasi, A., Mungai, E., Ibarahim, A., Thuranina-McKeever, C., Aboge, G., Onono, J., & Alarcon, P. (2021). Developing and validating a rapid assessment tool for small ruminant reproduction and production in pastoralist flocks in Kajiado, Kenya. Veterinary and Animal Science, 13,

The collection of production performance data in small ruminants pastoralists flocks is essential to evaluate their efficiency and assess how different challenges, such as diseases, droughts or changes in land use, affect their sustainability. Althou... Read More about Developing and validating a rapid assessment tool for small ruminant reproduction and production in pastoralist flocks in Kajiado, Kenya.

"If It Works in People, Why Not Animals?": A Qualitative Investigation of Antibiotic Use in Smallholder Livestock Settings in Rural West Bengal, India (2021)
Journal Article
Arnold, J.-C., Day, D., Hennessey, M., Alarcon, P., Gautham, M., Samanta, I., & Mateus, A. (2021). "If It Works in People, Why Not Animals?": A Qualitative Investigation of Antibiotic Use in Smallholder Livestock Settings in Rural West Bengal, India. Antibiotics, 10,

Smallholder farms are the predominant livestock system in India. Animals are often kept in close contact with household members, and access to veterinary services is limited. However, limited research exists on how antibiotics are used in smallholder... Read More about "If It Works in People, Why Not Animals?": A Qualitative Investigation of Antibiotic Use in Smallholder Livestock Settings in Rural West Bengal, India.

Financial impact of sheeppox and goatpox and estimated profitability of vaccination for subsistence farmers in selected northern states of Nigeria (2021)
Journal Article
Rawlins, M., Limon, G., Adedeji, A., Ijoma, S., Atai, R., Adole, J., Dogonyaro, B., Joel, A., Beard, P., & Alarcon, P. (2022). Financial impact of sheeppox and goatpox and estimated profitability of vaccination for subsistence farmers in selected northern states of Nigeria. Preventative Veterinary Medicine, 198,

Sheeppox and goatpox (SGP) are important transboundary diseases, endemic in Nigeria, causing severe clinical manifestations, impacting production, and resulting in economic losses. Vaccination is an effective control measure against SGP in endemic co... Read More about Financial impact of sheeppox and goatpox and estimated profitability of vaccination for subsistence farmers in selected northern states of Nigeria.

Enhancing the value of meat inspection records for broiler health and welfare surveillance: longitudinal detection of relational patterns (2021)
Journal Article
Buzdugan, S., Alarcon, P., Huntington, B., Rushton, J., Blake, D., & Guitian, J. (in press). Enhancing the value of meat inspection records for broiler health and welfare surveillance: longitudinal detection of relational patterns. BMC Veterinary Research,

Background. Abattoir data are under-used for surveillance. Nationwide surveillance could benefit from using data on meat inspection findings, but several limitations need to be overcome. At the producer level, interpretation of meat inspection findin... Read More about Enhancing the value of meat inspection records for broiler health and welfare surveillance: longitudinal detection of relational patterns.

A review of cleaning and disinfection guidelines and recommendations following an outbreak of classical scrapie (2021)
Journal Article
Alarcon-Lopez, P., Marco-Jimenez, F., Horigan, V., Ortiz-Pelaez, A., Rajanayagam, B., Dryden, A., Simmons, H., Konold, T., Marco, C., Charnley, J., Spiropoulos, J., Cassar, C., & Adkin, A. (2021). A review of cleaning and disinfection guidelines and recommendations following an outbreak of classical scrapie. Preventive Veterinary Medicine,

Classical scrapie is a prion disease of small ruminants, the infectious agent of which has been shown to be extremely persistent in the environment. Cleaning and disinfection (C&D) after a scrapie outbreak is currently recommended by many governments... Read More about A review of cleaning and disinfection guidelines and recommendations following an outbreak of classical scrapie.

Intensification of fragility: poultry production and distribution in Bangladesh and its implications for disease risk (2021)
Journal Article
Hennessey, M., Fournié, G., Hoque, M. A., Biswas, P. K., Alarcon, P., Ebata, A., Mahmud, R., Hasan, M., & Barnett, T. (2021). Intensification of fragility: poultry production and distribution in Bangladesh and its implications for disease risk. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 191, 105367.

Poultry production is a valuable source of nutritious food and income and is considered a crucial part of global development. This is especially important for countries such as Bangladesh where levels of hunger and childhood stunting remain high. How... Read More about Intensification of fragility: poultry production and distribution in Bangladesh and its implications for disease risk.

The importance of a food systems approach to low and middle income countries and emerging economies: a review of theories and its relevance for disease control and malnutrition. (2021)
Journal Article
Alarcon, P., Dominguez-Salas, P., Fèvre, E. M., & Rushton, J. (2021). The importance of a food systems approach to low and middle income countries and emerging economies: a review of theories and its relevance for disease control and malnutrition. Frontiers, 5, Article 642635.

Our review explores the changing food production, distribution and consumption environment in low and middle-income countries and emerging economies as a basis for framing how to study food systems in order to address public health issues of food saf... Read More about The importance of a food systems approach to low and middle income countries and emerging economies: a review of theories and its relevance for disease control and malnutrition..

The Nairobi Pork Value Chain: Mapping and Assessment of Governance, Challenges, and Food Safety Issues (2021)
Journal Article
Kaitibie, S., Murungi, M. K., Raghavan, M., Muloi, D. M., Fasina, F. O., Muinde, P., Fèvre, E. M., Maina Githigia, S., Alarcon, P., Akoko, J., Mk, M., Fèvre, E. M., Dm, M., Rushton, J., Sm, G., Alarcon, P., & Em, F. (2021). The Nairobi Pork Value Chain: Mapping and Assessment of Governance, Challenges, and Food Safety Issues. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 8, -.

The Nairobi pork food system is a growing livestock sub-sector which serves as a source of food and livelihood to its inhabitants. The study aimed to map Nairobi's pork value chains, assess their governance, operational challenges and their impacts o... Read More about The Nairobi Pork Value Chain: Mapping and Assessment of Governance, Challenges, and Food Safety Issues.