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All Outputs (23)

Outcome prediction in dogs admitted through the emergency room: Accuracy of staff prediction and comparison with an illness severity stratification system for hospitalized dogs (2023)
Journal Article
Le Gal, A., Barfield, D., Wignall, R., & Cook, S. (2023). Outcome prediction in dogs admitted through the emergency room: Accuracy of staff prediction and comparison with an illness severity stratification system for hospitalized dogs. Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care,

Objective: To determine whether emergency staff and students can predict patient outcome within 24 hours of admission, comparing the accuracy of clinician prognostication with outcome prediction by Acute Patient Physiologic and Laboratory Evaluation... Read More about Outcome prediction in dogs admitted through the emergency room: Accuracy of staff prediction and comparison with an illness severity stratification system for hospitalized dogs.

The use of small-bore wire-guided catheters for the management of peritoneal effusion in cats and dogs (2022)
Journal Article
Crosby, J., Humm, K., & Cook, S. (2022). The use of small-bore wire-guided catheters for the management of peritoneal effusion in cats and dogs. Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care,

Objective – To describe the use of small-bore wire-guided catheters in the management of peritoneal effusion in cats and dogs and to detail any associated adverse events.
Design – Retrospective study.
Setting – University teaching hospital
Animals... Read More about The use of small-bore wire-guided catheters for the management of peritoneal effusion in cats and dogs.

Medical and surgical management of pancreatic fluid accumulations in dogs: a retrospective study of 15 cases (2022)
Journal Article
Talbot, C., Cheung, R., Holmes, E., & Cook, S. (2022). Medical and surgical management of pancreatic fluid accumulations in dogs: a retrospective study of 15 cases. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine,

Background – Limited data exist on the diagnosis and successful medical management of suspected pancreatic abscessation, and the appropriate terminology of this condition.
Hypothesis/Objectives – To describe the diagnosis and management of pancreat... Read More about Medical and surgical management of pancreatic fluid accumulations in dogs: a retrospective study of 15 cases.

Medically managed spontaneous bacterial peritonitis and bacteraemia associated with jugular catheter infection in a dog with tetanus (2022)
Journal Article
Radulescu, S., Le Gal, A., Guedra Allais, M., & cook, S. (2022). Medically managed spontaneous bacterial peritonitis and bacteraemia associated with jugular catheter infection in a dog with tetanus. Vet Record Case Reports,

A five-year-old male entire Labrador was treated for grade III tetanus, developing aspiration pneumonia and undergoing mechanical ventilation (MV). However, 5 days after weaning from MV the dog developed a new pyrexia. Investigations documented circu... Read More about Medically managed spontaneous bacterial peritonitis and bacteraemia associated with jugular catheter infection in a dog with tetanus.

Human-relevant near-organ neuromodulation of the immune via the nerve (2021)
Journal Article
Donega, M., Fjordbakk, C., Kirk, J., Sokal, D., Gupta, I., Hunsberger, G., …Perkins, J. (2021). Human-relevant near-organ neuromodulation of the immune via the nerve. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(20),

Neuromodulation of immune function by stimulating the autonomic connections to the spleen has been demonstrated in rodent models. Consequently, neuroimmune modulation has been proposed as a new therapeutic strategy for the treatment of inflammatory c... Read More about Human-relevant near-organ neuromodulation of the immune via the nerve.

Successful management of aspiration pneumopathy without antimicrobial agents in 14 dogs (2021)
Journal Article
Humm, K., Greensmith, T., & Cook, S. (2021). Successful management of aspiration pneumopathy without antimicrobial agents in 14 dogs. Journal of Small Animal Practice,

To describe clinical cases of aspiration pneumonitis and pneumonia in dogs, which were successfully managed without antimicrobials.

Materials and Methods
Retrospective case review of dogs presenting to a referral teaching hospital bet... Read More about Successful management of aspiration pneumopathy without antimicrobial agents in 14 dogs.

Prospective evaluation of pericardial catheter placement versus needle pericardiocentesis in the management of canine pericardial effusion (2020)
Journal Article
Cook, S. (2020). Prospective evaluation of pericardial catheter placement versus needle pericardiocentesis in the management of canine pericardial effusion. Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care,

To compare the safety and efficacy of pericardial catheter placement with needle pericardiocentesis in dogs with pericardial effusion (PE)
Prospective, pilot randomized trial.
University teaching hospital.
Thir... Read More about Prospective evaluation of pericardial catheter placement versus needle pericardiocentesis in the management of canine pericardial effusion.

Current trends in fluid and blood product availability in small animal practices in the UK (2020)
Journal Article
Beeston, D., Charnock, J., & Cook, S. (2020). Current trends in fluid and blood product availability in small animal practices in the UK. Journal of Small Animal Practice,


To investigate and discuss current fluid and blood products stocked in small animal practices in the UK.


An online survey was circulated to small animal veterinary practices across the UK. The survey included questions reg... Read More about Current trends in fluid and blood product availability in small animal practices in the UK.

Current fluid and blood product availability in small animal practices in the UK URN SR2019 ‐0008 (2020)
Journal Article
Beeston, D., Charnock, J., & Cook, S. (2020). Current fluid and blood product availability in small animal practices in the UK URN SR2019 ‐0008. Journal of Small Animal Practice,


To investigate and discuss current fluid and blood products stocked in small animal practices in the UK.


An online survey was circulated to small animal veterinary practices across the UK. The survey included questions reg... Read More about Current fluid and blood product availability in small animal practices in the UK URN SR2019 ‐0008.

Suspected congenital hyperinsulinism in a Shiba Inu dog (2020)
Journal Article
Cook, S., McKenna, M., Glanemann, B., Sandhu, R., & Scudder, C. (2020). Suspected congenital hyperinsulinism in a Shiba Inu dog. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine,

A 3-month-old male intact Shiba Inu dog was evaluated for a seizure disorder initially deemed idiopathic in origin. Seizure frequency remained unchanged despite thera- peutic serum phenobarbital concentration and use of levetiracetam. The dog was doc... Read More about Suspected congenital hyperinsulinism in a Shiba Inu dog.