Subtotal ostectomy of dorsal spinous processes performed in nine standing horses
Journal Article
Perkins, J. D. M., Schumacher, J., Kelly, G., Pollock, P., & Harty, M. Subtotal ostectomy of dorsal spinous processes performed in nine standing horses. Veterinary Surgery, 34(6), 625-629
All Outputs (54)
Demonstration of regional differences in equine ventricular myocardial velocity in normal 2-year-old thoroughbreds with Doppler tissue imaging
Journal Article
Sepulveda, M. F., Perkins, J. D. M., Bowen, I. M., & Marr, C. M. Demonstration of regional differences in equine ventricular myocardial velocity in normal 2-year-old thoroughbreds with Doppler tissue imaging. Equine Veterinary Journal, 37(3), 222-226.
Transpalpebral eye enucleation in 40 standing horses
Journal Article
Pollock, P. J., Russell, T., Hughes, T. K., Archer, M. R., & Perkins, J. D. M. Transpalpebral eye enucleation in 40 standing horses. Veterinary Surgery, 37(3), 306-309. - To report a technique for eye enucleation in standing sedated horses and to report outcome in 40 horses.
Innovative neuromodulation concepts for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea
Journal Article
Maurer, J. T., & Perkins, J. D. M. Innovative neuromodulation concepts for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea
Modified first or second cervical nerve transplantation technique for the treatment of recurrent laryngeal neuropathy in horses
Journal Article
Rossignol, F., Brandenberger, O., Perkins, J. D. M., Marie, J. P., Mespoulhés-Riviére, C., & Ducharme, N. G. Modified first or second cervical nerve transplantation technique for the treatment of recurrent laryngeal neuropathy in horses. Equine Veterinary Journal, 50(4), 457-464.
Multiple immunofluorescence labelling enables simultaneous identification of all mature fibre types in a single equine skeletal muscle cryosection
Journal Article
Tulloch, L. K., Perkins, J. D. M., & Piercy, R. J. Multiple immunofluorescence labelling enables simultaneous identification of all mature fibre types in a single equine skeletal muscle cryosection. Equine Veterinary Journal, 43(4), 500-503.
Radiographic, computed tomographic and surgical anatomy of the equine sphenopalatine sinus in normal and diseased horses
Journal Article
Tucker, R., Windley, Z., Abernethy, A. D., Witte, T. H., Fiske-Jackson, A. R., Turner, S., Smith, L. J., & Perkins, J. D. M. (in press). Radiographic, computed tomographic and surgical anatomy of the equine sphenopalatine sinus in normal and diseased horses. Equine Veterinary Journal, 48(5), 578-584.
Gross, computed tomographic and histological findings in mandibular cheek teeth extracted from horses with clinical signs of pulpitis due to apical infection
Journal Article
Casey, M. B., Pearson, G. R., Perkins, J. D. M., & Tremaine, W. H. Gross, computed tomographic and histological findings in mandibular cheek teeth extracted from horses with clinical signs of pulpitis due to apical infection. Equine Veterinary Journal, 47(5), 557-567.
Rater Agreement on Gait Assessment during Neurologic Examination of Horses
Journal Article
Olsen, E., Dunkel, B., Barker, W. H. J., Finding, E. J. T., Perkins, J. D. M., Witte, T. H., Yates, L. J., Andersen, P. H., Baiker, K., & Piercy, R. J. Rater Agreement on Gait Assessment during Neurologic Examination of Horses. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 28(2), 630-638.
Three horses with bilateral sinonasal progressive haematomas not associated with the ethmoidal labyrinth
Journal Article
Barker, W. H. J., Perkins, J. D. M., & Witte, T. H. Three horses with bilateral sinonasal progressive haematomas not associated with the ethmoidal labyrinth. Equine Veterinary Education, 25(10), 503-507.
Caudal anaesthesia of the infraorbital nerve for diagnosis of idiopathic headshaking and caudal compression of the infraorbital nerve for its treatment, in 58 horses
Journal Article
Roberts, V. L. H., Perkins, J. D. M., Skarlina, E., Gorvy, D. A., Tremaine, W. H., Williams, A., McKane, S. A., White, I., & Knottenbelt, D. C. Caudal anaesthesia of the infraorbital nerve for diagnosis of idiopathic headshaking and caudal compression of the infraorbital nerve for its treatment, in 58 horses. Equine Veterinary Journal, 45(1), 107-110.
Fungal sinusitis resulting in suspected trigeminal neuropathy as a cause of headshaking in five horses
Journal Article
Fiske-Jackson, A. R., Pollock, P. J., Witte, T. H., Woolford, L., & Perkins, J. D. M. Fungal sinusitis resulting in suspected trigeminal neuropathy as a cause of headshaking in five horses. Equine Veterinary Education, 24(3), 126-133.
Computed tomography in the investigation of trauma to the ventral cranium
Journal Article
Avella, C. S., & Perkins, J. D. M. Computed tomography in the investigation of trauma to the ventral cranium. Equine Veterinary Education, 23(7), 333-338.
In Vitro Effect of Ventriculocordectomy Before Laryngoplasty on Abduction of the Equine Arytenoid Cartilage
Journal Article
Perkins, J. D. M., Meighan, H., Windley, Z., Troester, S., Piercy, R. J., & Schumacher, J. In Vitro Effect of Ventriculocordectomy Before Laryngoplasty on Abduction of the Equine Arytenoid Cartilage. Veterinary Surgery, 40(3), 305-310.