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All Outputs (33)

Urinary and faecal N-methylhistamine concentrations do not serve as markers for mast cell activation or clinical disease activity in dogs with chronic enteropathies (2014)
Journal Article
Anfinsen, K. P., Berghoff, N., Priestnall, S. L., Suchodolski, J. S., Steiner, J. M., & Allenspach, K. (2014). Urinary and faecal N-methylhistamine concentrations do not serve as markers for mast cell activation or clinical disease activity in dogs with chronic enteropathies. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica, 56(90),

This study sought to correlate faecal and urinary N-methylhistamine (NMH) concentrations with resting versus degranulated duodenal mast cell numbers in dogs with chronic enteropathies (CE), and investigate correlations between intestinal mast cell ac... Read More about Urinary and faecal N-methylhistamine concentrations do not serve as markers for mast cell activation or clinical disease activity in dogs with chronic enteropathies.

Increasing antimicrobial resistance in clinical isolates of Staphylococcus intermedius group bacteria and emergence of MRSP in the UK (2014)
Journal Article
Beever, L. J., Bond, R., Graham, P. A., Jackson, B. F., Lloyd, D. H., & Loeffler, A. (2014). Increasing antimicrobial resistance in clinical isolates of Staphylococcus intermedius group bacteria and emergence of MRSP in the UK. Veterinary Record, 176(7), 172+.

Frequencies of antimicrobial resistance were determined amongst 14,555 clinical Staphylococcus intermedius group (SIG) isolates from UK dogs and cats to estimate resistance trends and quantify the occurrence of meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus pse... Read More about Increasing antimicrobial resistance in clinical isolates of Staphylococcus intermedius group bacteria and emergence of MRSP in the UK.

Extensive Horizontal Gene Transfer during Staphylococcus aureus Co-colonization In Vivo (2014)
Journal Article
McCarthy, A. J., Loeffler, A., Witney, A. A., Gould, K. A., Lloyd, D. H., & Lindsay, J. A. (2014). Extensive Horizontal Gene Transfer during Staphylococcus aureus Co-colonization In Vivo. Genome Biology and Evolution, 6(10), 2697-2708.

Staphylococcus aureus is a commensal and major pathogen of humans and animals. Comparative genomics of S. aureus populations suggests that colonization of different host species is associated with carriage of mobile genetic elements (MGE), particular... Read More about Extensive Horizontal Gene Transfer during Staphylococcus aureus Co-colonization In Vivo.

A retrospective study of the prevalence of the canine degenerative myelopathy associated superoxide dismutase 1 mutation (SOD1: c. 118G> A) in a referral population of German Shepherd dogs from the UK (2014)
Journal Article
Holder, A. L., Price, J. A., Adams, J. P., Volk, H. A., & Catchpole, B. (2014). A retrospective study of the prevalence of the canine degenerative myelopathy associated superoxide dismutase 1 mutation (SOD1: c. 118G> A) in a referral population of German Shepherd dogs from the UK. Canine Genetics and Epidemiology, 1(10),

Molecular identification of novel intermediate host species of Angiostrongylus vasorum in Greater London (2014)
Journal Article
Patel, Z., Gill, A. C., Fox, M. T., Hermosilla, C., Backeljau, T., Breugelmans, K., Keevash, E., McEwan, C., Aghazadeh, M., & Elson-Riggins, J. G. (2014). Molecular identification of novel intermediate host species of Angiostrongylus vasorum in Greater London. Parasitology Research, 113(12), 4363-4369.

Angiostrongylus vasorum is a parasitic nematode that can cause serious and potentially fatal disease in dogs and other canids. The aim of this study was to determine the intermediate slug species infected in nature by sampling sites in Greater London... Read More about Molecular identification of novel intermediate host species of Angiostrongylus vasorum in Greater London.

Calcium Homeostasis in Myogenic Differentiation Factor 1 (MyoD)-Transformed, Virally-Transduced, Skin-Derived Equine Myotubes (2014)
Journal Article
Fernandez-Fuente, M., Terracciano, C. M., Martin-Duque, P., Brown, S. C., Vassaux, G., & Piercy, R. J. (2014). Calcium Homeostasis in Myogenic Differentiation Factor 1 (MyoD)-Transformed, Virally-Transduced, Skin-Derived Equine Myotubes. PLoS ONE, 9(8), e105971.

Dysfunctional skeletal muscle calcium homeostasis plays a central role in the pathophysiology of several human and animal skeletal muscle disorders, in particular, genetic disorders associated with ryanodine receptor 1 (RYR1) mutations, such as malig... Read More about Calcium Homeostasis in Myogenic Differentiation Factor 1 (MyoD)-Transformed, Virally-Transduced, Skin-Derived Equine Myotubes.

Cardiovascular changes after administration of aerosolized salbutamol in horses: five cases (2014)
Journal Article
Casoni, D., Spadavecchia, C., & Adami, C. (2014). Cardiovascular changes after administration of aerosolized salbutamol in horses: five cases. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica, 56(49),

Prevention and treatment of intraoperative hypoxemia in horses is difficult and both efficacy and safety of therapeutic maneuvers have to be taken into account. Inhaled salbutamol has been suggested as treatment of hypoxia in horses during general an... Read More about Cardiovascular changes after administration of aerosolized salbutamol in horses: five cases.

Dissecting the Regulatory Microenvironment of a Large Animal Model of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma: Evidence of a Negative Prognostic Impact of FOXP3+ T Cells in Canine B Cell Lymphoma (2014)
Journal Article
Pinheiro, D. Y., Chang, Y. M., Bryant, H., Szladovits, B., Dalessandri, T., Davison, L. J., Yallop, E., Mills, E., Leo, C., Lara, A., Stell, A., Polton, G., & Garden, O. A. (2014). Dissecting the Regulatory Microenvironment of a Large Animal Model of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma: Evidence of a Negative Prognostic Impact of FOXP3+ T Cells in Canine B Cell Lymphoma. PLoS ONE, 9(8), e105027.

The cancer microenvironment plays a pivotal role in oncogenesis, containing a number of regulatory cells that attenuate the anti-neoplastic immune response. While the negative prognostic impact of regulatory T cells (Tregs) in the context of most sol... Read More about Dissecting the Regulatory Microenvironment of a Large Animal Model of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma: Evidence of a Negative Prognostic Impact of FOXP3+ T Cells in Canine B Cell Lymphoma.

Comparison of air sac volume, lung volume and lung densities determined by use of computed tomography in conscious and anesthetized Humboldt penguins (Spheniscus humboldti) positioned in ventral, dorsal and right lateral recumbency (2014)
Journal Article
Nevitt, B. N., Langan, J. N., Adkesson, M. J., Mitchell, M. A., Henzler, M., & Drees, R. (2014). Comparison of air sac volume, lung volume and lung densities determined by use of computed tomography in conscious and anesthetized Humboldt penguins (Spheniscus humboldti) positioned in ventral, dorsal and right lateral recumbency. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 75(8), 739-45.

Association between nucleotide oligomerisation domain two(Nod2) gene polymorphisms and canine inflammatory bowel disease (2014)
Journal Article
Kathrani, A., Lee, H., White, C., Catchpole, B., Murphy, A. M., German, A., Werling, D., & Allenspach, K. (2014). Association between nucleotide oligomerisation domain two(Nod2) gene polymorphisms and canine inflammatory bowel disease. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 161(1-2), 32-41.

The most important genetic associations that have been implicated to play a role in the etiology of Crohn's disease (CD) in humans are single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in nucleotide oligomerisation domain 2 (NOD2). The aim of this study was to... Read More about Association between nucleotide oligomerisation domain two(Nod2) gene polymorphisms and canine inflammatory bowel disease.

Appearance of the canine meninges in subtraction magnetic resonance images (2014)
Journal Article
Lamb, C. R., Lam, R. W., Keenihan, E. K., & Frean, S. P. (2014). Appearance of the canine meninges in subtraction magnetic resonance images.

The canine meninges are not visible as discrete structures in noncontrast magnetic resonance (MR) images, and are incompletely visualized in T1‐weighted, postgadolinium images, reportedly appearing as short, thin curvilinear segments with minimal enh... Read More about Appearance of the canine meninges in subtraction magnetic resonance images.

Prognostic value of early magnetic resonance imaging in dogs after traumatic brain injury: 50 cases (2014)
Journal Article
Beltran, E., Platt, S. R., McConnell, J. F., Dennis, R., Keys, D. A., & De Risio, L. (2014). Prognostic value of early magnetic resonance imaging in dogs after traumatic brain injury: 50 cases. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 28(4), 1256-62.

Retrospective study of dogs with TBI that underwent 1.5T MRI within 14 days after head trauma. MRI evaluators were blinded to the clinical presentation, and all images were scored based on an MRI grading system (Grade I [normal brain parenchyma] to G... Read More about Prognostic value of early magnetic resonance imaging in dogs after traumatic brain injury: 50 cases.

Assessment of low-dose cisplatin as a model of nausea and emesis in beagle dogs, potential for repeated administration (2014)
Journal Article
Kenward, H., Pelligand, L., & Elliott, J. (2014). Assessment of low-dose cisplatin as a model of nausea and emesis in beagle dogs, potential for repeated administration. Experimental Brain Research, 232(8), 2685-2697.

Cisplatin is a highly emetogenic cancer chemotherapy agent, which is often used to induce nausea and emesis in animal models. The cytotoxic properties of cisplatin also cause adverse events that negatively impact on animal welfare preventing repeated... Read More about Assessment of low-dose cisplatin as a model of nausea and emesis in beagle dogs, potential for repeated administration.

Oligodendrocyte progenitors: adult stem cells of the central nervous system (2014)
Journal Article
Crawford, A. H., Stockley, J. H., Tripathi, R. B., Richardson, W. D., & Franklin, R. J. (2014). Oligodendrocyte progenitors: adult stem cells of the central nervous system. Experimental Neurology, 260, 50-5.

Oligodendrocyte progenitors (OPs) are a major proliferating cell population within the adult CNS. In response to myelin loss or increasing demand, OPs have the capacity to differentiate into mature, myelinating oligodendrocytes. The name ‘oligodendro... Read More about Oligodendrocyte progenitors: adult stem cells of the central nervous system.

Poloxomer 188 Has a Deleterious Effect on Dystrophic Skeletal Muscle Function (2014)
Journal Article
Terry, R. L., Kaneb, H. M., & Wells, D. J. (2014). Poloxomer 188 Has a Deleterious Effect on Dystrophic Skeletal Muscle Function. PLoS ONE, 9(3), e91221.

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is an X-linked, fatal muscle wasting disease for which there is currently no cure and limited palliative treatments. Poloxomer 188 (P188) is a tri-block copolymer that has been proposed as a potential treatment for c... Read More about Poloxomer 188 Has a Deleterious Effect on Dystrophic Skeletal Muscle Function.