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All Outputs (4)

Decision tree machine learning applied to bovine tuberculosis risk factors to aid disease control decision making (2019)
Journal Article
Romero, M. P., Chang, Y. M., Brunton, L. A., Parry, J., Prosser, A., Upton, P., Rees, E., Tearne, O., Arnold, M., Stevens, K., & Drewe, J. A. (2019). Decision tree machine learning applied to bovine tuberculosis risk factors to aid disease control decision making. Preventive Veterinary Medicine,

Identifying and understanding the risk factors for endemic bovine tuberculosis (TB) in cattle herds is critical for the control of this disease. Exploratory machine learning techniques can uncover complex non-linear relationships and interactions wit... Read More about Decision tree machine learning applied to bovine tuberculosis risk factors to aid disease control decision making.

Application of an equine composite pain scale and its association with plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone concentrations and serum cortisol concentrations in horses with colic (2019)
Journal Article
Lawson, A. L., Opie, R. R., Stevens, K. B., Knowles, E. J., & Mair, T. S. (2019). Application of an equine composite pain scale and its association with plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone concentrations and serum cortisol concentrations in horses with colic. Equine Veterinary Education,

This study assessed the application of a modified equine composite pain scale (CPS) and identified the interā€observer reliability. Associations between CPS scores and the measured concentrations of serum cortisol ([cortisol]) and plasma adrenocortico... Read More about Application of an equine composite pain scale and its association with plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone concentrations and serum cortisol concentrations in horses with colic.

Prevalence of and risk factors for acute laminitis in horses treated with corticosteroids (2019)
Journal Article
Potter, K., Stevens, K. B., & Menzies-Gow, N. J. (2019). Prevalence of and risk factors for acute laminitis in horses treated with corticosteroids. Veterinary Record, 85(82),

A retrospective treated versus untreated study (study 1) and multicentre prospective cohort study (study 2) were undertaken to determine the prevalence of, and risk factors associated with, acute laminitis in horses treated with corticosteroids. All... Read More about Prevalence of and risk factors for acute laminitis in horses treated with corticosteroids.