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Lasting organ-level bone mechanoadaptation is unrelated to local strain

Javaheri, B; Razi, H; Gohin, S; Wylie, S; Chang, Y M; Salmon, P; Lee, P D; Pitsillides, A A


B Javaheri

H Razi

S Gohin

S Wylie

Y M Chang

P Salmon

P D Lee

A A Pitsillides


Bones adapt to mechanical forces according to strict principles predicting straight shape. Most bones are, however, paradoxically curved. To solve this paradox, we used computed tomography–based, four-dimensional imaging methods and computational analysis to monitor acute and chronic whole-bone shape adaptation and remodeling in vivo. We first confirmed that some acute load-induced structural changes are reversible, adhere to the linear strain magnitude regulation of remodeling activities, and are restricted to bone regions in which marked antiresorptive actions are evident. We make the novel observation that loading exerts significant lasting modifications in tibial shape and mass across extensive bone regions, underpinned by (re)modeling independent of local strain magnitude, occurring at sites where the initial response to load is principally osteogenic. This is the first report to demonstrate that bone loading stimulates nonlinear remodeling responses to strain that culminate in greater curvature adjusted for load predictability without sacrificing strength.


Javaheri, B., Razi, H., Gohin, S., Wylie, S., Chang, Y. M., Salmon, P., Lee, P. D., & Pitsillides, A. A. (2020). Lasting organ-level bone mechanoadaptation is unrelated to local strain. Science Advances, 6(10),

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Dec 13, 2019
Publication Date Mar 6, 2020
Deposit Date Mar 10, 2020
Publicly Available Date Mar 10, 2020
Journal Science Advances
Electronic ISSN 2375-2548
Publisher American Association for the Advancement of Science
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 6
Issue 10
Public URL


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