P R Fox
Long-term incidence and risk of noncardiovascular and all-cause mortality in apparently healthy cats and cats with preclinical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Fox, P R; Keene, B W; Lamb, K; Schober, K E; Chetboul, V; Fuentes, V L; Payne, J R; Wess, G; Hogan, D F; Abbott, J A; Häggström, J; Culshaw, G; Fine-Ferreira, D; Cote, E; Trehiou-Sechi, E; Motsinger-Reif, A A; Nakamura, R K; Singh, M; Ware, W A; Riesen, S C; Borgarelli, M; Rush, J E; Vollmar, A; Lesser, M B; Van Israel, N; Lee, P M-S; Bulmer, B; Santilli, R; Bossbaly, M J; Quick, N; Bussadori, C; Bright, J; Estrada, A H; Ohad, D G; Del Palacio, M J F; Brayley, J L; Schwartz, D S; Gordon, S G; Jung, S; Bove, C M; Brambilla, P G; Moïse, N S; Stauthammer, C; Quintavalla, C; Manczur, F; Stepien, R L; Mooney, C; Hung, Y-W; Lobetti, R; Tamborini, A; Oyama, M A; Komolov, A; Fujii, Y; Pariaut, R; Uechi, M; Yukie Tachika Ohara, V
B W Keene
K Lamb
K E Schober
V Chetboul
V L Fuentes
J R Payne
G Wess
D F Hogan
J A Abbott
J Häggström
G Culshaw
D Fine-Ferreira
E Cote
E Trehiou-Sechi
A A Motsinger-Reif
R K Nakamura
M Singh
W A Ware
S C Riesen
M Borgarelli
J E Rush
A Vollmar
M B Lesser
N Van Israel
P M-S Lee
B Bulmer
R Santilli
M J Bossbaly
N Quick
C Bussadori
J Bright
A H Estrada
D G Ohad
M J F Del Palacio
J L Brayley
D S Schwartz
S G Gordon
S Jung
C M Bove
P G Brambilla
N S Moïse
C Stauthammer
C Quintavalla
F Manczur
R L Stepien
C Mooney
Y-W Hung
R Lobetti
A Tamborini
M A Oyama
A Komolov
Y Fujii
R Pariaut
M Uechi
V Yukie Tachika Ohara
Fox, P. R., Keene, B. W., Lamb, K., Schober, K. E., Chetboul, V., Fuentes, V. L., Payne, J. R., Wess, G., Hogan, D. F., Abbott, J. A., Häggström, J., Culshaw, G., Fine-Ferreira, D., Cote, E., Trehiou-Sechi, E., Motsinger-Reif, A. A., Nakamura, R. K., Singh, M., Ware, W. A., Riesen, S. C., …Yukie Tachika Ohara, V. (2019). Long-term incidence and risk of noncardiovascular and all-cause mortality in apparently healthy cats and cats with preclinical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, https://doi.org/10.1111/jvim.15609
Journal Article Type | Article |
Acceptance Date | Aug 20, 2019 |
Publication Date | Oct 12, 2019 |
Deposit Date | Oct 22, 2019 |
Publicly Available Date | Oct 23, 2019 |
Journal | Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine |
Print ISSN | 0891-6640 |
Electronic ISSN | 1939-1676 |
Publisher | Wiley Open Access |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1111/jvim.15609 |
Public URL | https://rvc-repository.worktribe.com/output/1380101 |
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