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A pooled analysis of Melanocytic nevus phenotype and the risk of cutaneous melanoma at different latitudes

Chang, Y M; Newton-Bishop, J A; Bishop, T; Armstrong, B K; Bataille, V; Bergman, W; Berwick, M; Bracci, P M; Elwood, J M; Ernstoff, M S; Green, A C; Gruis, N A; Holly, E A; Ingvar, C; Kanetsky, P A; Karagas, M R; Le Marchand, L; Mackie, R M; Olsson, H; Osterlind, A; Rebbeck, T R; Reich, K; Sasieni, P; Siskind, V; Swerdlow, A J; Titus-Ernstoff, L; Zens, M S; Ziegler, A; Barrett, J H


Y M Chang

J A Newton-Bishop

T Bishop

B K Armstrong

V Bataille

W Bergman

M Berwick

P M Bracci

J M Elwood

M S Ernstoff

A C Green

N A Gruis

E A Holly

C Ingvar

P A Kanetsky

M R Karagas

L Le Marchand

R M Mackie

H Olsson

A Osterlind

T R Rebbeck

K Reich

P Sasieni

V Siskind

A J Swerdlow

L Titus-Ernstoff

M S Zens

A Ziegler

J H Barrett


Chang, Y. M., Newton-Bishop, J. A., Bishop, T., Armstrong, B. K., Bataille, V., Bergman, W., Berwick, M., Bracci, P. M., Elwood, J. M., Ernstoff, M. S., Green, A. C., Gruis, N. A., Holly, E. A., Ingvar, C., Kanetsky, P. A., Karagas, M. R., Le Marchand, L., Mackie, R. M., Olsson, H., Osterlind, A., …Barrett, J. H. (2009). A pooled analysis of Melanocytic nevus phenotype and the risk of cutaneous melanoma at different latitudes. International Journal of Cancer, 124(2), 420-428.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jul 8, 2008
Publication Date Jan 15, 2009
Deposit Date Nov 12, 2014
Journal International Journal of Cancer
Print ISSN 0020-7136
Electronic ISSN 1097-0215
Publisher Wiley
Volume 124
Issue 2
Pages 420-428
Public URL
Additional Information Corporate Creators : Barts, British Columbia Cancer Agency, California, Dartmouth Medical School, Lebanon, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Med Center, Dermatologikum Hamburg, Glasgow, Hawaii, Hemel Hempstead General Hosp, Institute of Cancer Research, King's, Kobenhaausevej 25, Denmark, Leeds, Leiden Uni Medical Center, Lubeck, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Queensland Instit of Medical Research, Sydney, Univ Hospital, Lund, Sweden