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Quantification of global transcription patterns in prokaryotes using spotted microarrays

Sidders, B; Withers, M; Kendall, S L; Bacon, J; Waddell, S J; Hinds, J; Golby, P; Movahedzadeh, F; Cox, R A; Frita, R; Ten Bokum, A M C; Wernisch, L; Stoker, N G


B Sidders

M Withers

S L Kendall

J Bacon

S J Waddell

J Hinds

P Golby

F Movahedzadeh

R A Cox

R Frita

A M C Ten Bokum

L Wernisch

N G Stoker


We describe an analysis, applicable to any spotted microarray dataset produced using genomic DNA as a reference, that quantifies prokaryotic levels of mRNA on a genome-wide scale. Applying this to Mycobacterium tuberculosis, we validate the technique, show a correlation between level of expression and biological importance, define the complement of invariant genes and analyze absolute levels of expression by functional class to develop ways of understanding an organism's biology without comparison to another growth condition.


Sidders, B., Withers, M., Kendall, S. L., Bacon, J., Waddell, S. J., Hinds, J., Golby, P., Movahedzadeh, F., Cox, R. A., Frita, R., Ten Bokum, A. M. C., Wernisch, L., & Stoker, N. G. (2007). Quantification of global transcription patterns in prokaryotes using spotted microarrays. Genome Biology, 8(12), R265.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Dec 13, 2007
Deposit Date Nov 11, 2014
Journal Genome Biology
Print ISSN 1474-760X
Electronic ISSN 1465-6906
Publisher BioMed Central
Volume 8
Issue 12
Pages R265
Public URL
Additional Information Corporate Creators : Birkbeck College, HPA, Illinois, USA, LSHTM, National Inst For Medical Research, St George's, VLA