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Virtual manipulation of tail postures of a gliding barn owl (Tyto alba) demonstrates drag minimisation when gliding

Song, Jialei; Cheney, Jorn; Bomphrey, Richard; Usherwood, James


Jialei Song

Jorn Cheney

Richard Bomphrey

James Usherwood


Aerodynamic functions of the avian tail have been studied previously using observations of bird flight, physical models in wind tunnels, theoretical modelling, and flow visualization. However, none of these approaches has provided rigorous, quantitative evidence concerning tail functions since: appropriate manipulation and controls cannot be achieved using live animals; and the aerodynamic interplay between the wings and body challenges reductive theoretical or physical modelling approaches. Here, we have developed a comprehensive analytical drag model, calibrated by high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics (CFD), and used it to investigate the aerodynamic action of the tail by virtually manipulating its posture. The bird geometry used for CFD was reconstructed previously using stereo photogrammetry of a freely gliding barn owl (Tyto alba) and we validated the CFD simulations against wake measurements. Using this CFD-calibrated drag model, we predicted the drag production for 16 gliding flights with a range of tail postures. These observed postures are set in the context of a wider parameter sweep of theoretical postures, where the tail spread and elevation angles were manipulated independently. The observed postures of our gliding bird corresponded to near minimal total drag.


Song, J., Cheney, J., Bomphrey, R., & Usherwood, J. (2023). Virtual manipulation of tail postures of a gliding barn owl (Tyto alba) demonstrates drag minimisation when gliding. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface,

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jan 4, 2022
Online Publication Date Jan 14, 2022
Publication Date Feb 9, 2023
Deposit Date Jan 14, 2022
Publicly Available Date Jan 4, 2023
Journal Journal of the Royal Society, Interface
Print ISSN 1742-5689
Electronic ISSN 1742-5662
Publisher The Royal Society
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Keywords tail function, drag reduction, efficiency, bird flight
Public URL
Additional Information Research area: Animal locomotion ?
Research centre/group: Structure & Motion Lab ?

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23-Nov Paper Tail RSIF Accepted (3.8 Mb)

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