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2022 Update of the Consensus on the Rational Use of Antithrombotics and Thrombolytics in Veterinary Critical Care (CURATIVE) Domain 1- Defining populations at risk

Chan, Daniel; deLaforcade, Armelle; Bacek, Lenore; Boyd, Corrin; Blais, Marie-Claude; Brainard, Benjamin; Cortellini, Stefano; Goggs, Robert; Hoareau, Guillaume; Koeningshof, Amy; Li, Ron; Lynch, Alex; Ralph, Alan; Rozanski, Elizabeth; Sharp, Claire


Daniel Chan

Armelle deLaforcade

Lenore Bacek

Corrin Boyd

Marie-Claude Blais

Benjamin Brainard

Stefano Cortellini

Robert Goggs

Guillaume Hoareau

Amy Koeningshof

Ron Li

Alex Lynch

Alan Ralph

Elizabeth Rozanski

Claire Sharp


Objectives: To expand the number of conditions and interventions explored for the associations with thrombosis in the veterinary literature, and to provide the basis for prescribing recommendations.

Design: A population exposure comparison outcome format was used to represent patient, exposure, comparison, and outcome. Population Exposure Comparison Outcome questions were distributed to worksheet authors who performed comprehensive searches, summarized the evidence, and created guideline recommendations that were reviewed by domain chairs. Revised guidelines then underwent the Delphi survey process to reach consensus on the final guidelines. Diseases evaluated in this iteration included heartworm disease (dogs and cats), immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (cats), protein-losing nephropathy (cats), protein-losing enteropathy (dogs and cats), sepsis (cats), hyperadrenocorticism (cats), liver disease (dogs), congenital portosystemic shunts (dogs and cats) and the following interventions: IV catheters (dogs and cats), arterial catheters (dogs and cats), vascular access ports (dogs and cats), extracorporeal circuits (dogs and cats) and transvenous pacemakers (dogs and cats).

Of the diseases evaluated in this iteration, a high risk for thrombosis was defined as dogs with heartworm disease or protein-losing enteropathy. Low risk for thrombosis was defined as dogs with liver disease, cats with immune-mediated hemolytic anemia, protein-losing nephropathy, sepsis, or hyperadrenocorticism.

Associations with thrombosis are outlined for various conditions and interventions and provide the basis for management recommendations. Numerous knowledge gaps were identified that represent opportunities for future studies.


Chan, D., deLaforcade, A., Bacek, L., Boyd, C., Blais, M.-C., Brainard, B., Cortellini, S., Goggs, R., Hoareau, G., Koeningshof, A., Li, R., Lynch, A., Ralph, A., Rozanski, E., & Sharp, C. (2022). 2022 Update of the Consensus on the Rational Use of Antithrombotics and Thrombolytics in Veterinary Critical Care (CURATIVE) Domain 1- Defining populations at risk. Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care,

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Mar 31, 2022
Online Publication Date May 2, 2022
Publication Date May 2, 2022
Deposit Date Mar 31, 2022
Journal Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care
Print ISSN 1479-3261
Electronic ISSN 1476-4431
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Public URL