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All Outputs (34)

Energy turnover in mammalian skeletal muscle in contractions mimicking locomotion: effects of stimulus pattern on work, impulse and energetic cost and efficiency (2019)
Journal Article
Curtin, N. A., Woledge, R. C., West, T. G., Goodwin, D., Piercy, R. J., & Wilson, A. M. (2019). Energy turnover in mammalian skeletal muscle in contractions mimicking locomotion: effects of stimulus pattern on work, impulse and energetic cost and efficiency. Journal of Experimental Biology, 222,

Active muscle performs various mechanical functions during locomotion: work output during shortening, work absorption when resisting (but not preventing) lengthening, and impulse (force–time integral) whenever there is active force. The energetic cos... Read More about Energy turnover in mammalian skeletal muscle in contractions mimicking locomotion: effects of stimulus pattern on work, impulse and energetic cost and efficiency.

Assessment of dairy cow locomotion in a commercial farm setting: the effects of walking speed on ground reaction forces and temporal and linear stride characteristics (2010)
Journal Article
Walker, A. M., Pfau, T., Channon, A. J., & Wilson, A. M. (2010). Assessment of dairy cow locomotion in a commercial farm setting: the effects of walking speed on ground reaction forces and temporal and linear stride characteristics. Research in Veterinary Science, 88, 179-187.

The relationship between in vivo limb and in vitro tendon mechanics after injury: A potential novel clinical tool for monitoring tendon repair
Journal Article
Dakin, S. G., Jespers, K., Warner, S. M., O'Hara, L. K., Dudhia, J., Goodship, A. E., Wilson, A. M., & Smith, R. K. W. The relationship between in vivo limb and in vitro tendon mechanics after injury: A potential novel clinical tool for monitoring tendon repair. Equine Veterinary Journal, 43(4), 418-423.

Variability of Manson and Leaver locomotion scores assigned to dairy cows by different observers
Journal Article
Channon, A. J., Walker, A. M., Pfau, T., Sheldon, I. M., & Wilson, A. M. Variability of Manson and Leaver locomotion scores assigned to dairy cows by different observers. Veterinary Record, 164(13), 388-392

The gait scoring system developed by Manson and Leaver was used by five experienced observers to assess the gait of 83 milking Holstein-Friesian cows in a live recording session, and video recordings were made. The agreement between the scores of the... Read More about Variability of Manson and Leaver locomotion scores assigned to dairy cows by different observers.

Evaluation of discriminant analysis based on dorsoventral symmetry indices to quantify hindlimb lameness during over ground locomotion in the horse
Journal Article
Church, E. E., Walker, A. M., Wilson, A. M., & Pfau, T. Evaluation of discriminant analysis based on dorsoventral symmetry indices to quantify hindlimb lameness during over ground locomotion in the horse. Equine Veterinary Journal, 41(3), 304-308.

Reasons for performing study: Advances in gait analysis techniques have led to assessment tools that can aid in detecting and quantifying lameness; here, bilateral tubera coxae and pelvic movement during over ground locomotion are compared in order t... Read More about Evaluation of discriminant analysis based on dorsoventral symmetry indices to quantify hindlimb lameness during over ground locomotion in the horse.

Evaluation of in vitro performance of suction drains
Journal Article
Halfacree, Z. J., Wilson, A. M., & Baines, S. J. Evaluation of in vitro performance of suction drains. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 70(2), 283-289

Objective-To assess the in vitro performance of suction drains. Sample Population-11 drainage systems (3 rigid drains and 8 compressible drains [2 grenade type, 5 concertina type, and 1 pancake type]). Procedures-A pressure transducer was connected t... Read More about Evaluation of in vitro performance of suction drains.

Walk-run classification of symmetrical gaits in the horse: a multidimensional approach
Journal Article
Starke, S. D., Robilliard, J. J., Weller, R., Wilson, A. M., & Pfau, T. Walk-run classification of symmetrical gaits in the horse: a multidimensional approach.

Walking and running are two mechanisms for minimizing energy expenditure during terrestrial locomotion. Duty factor, dimensionless speed, existence of an aerial phase, percentage recovery (PR) or phase shift of mechanical energy and shape of the vert... Read More about Walk-run classification of symmetrical gaits in the horse: a multidimensional approach.

A hidden Markov model-based stride segmentation technique applied to equine inertial sensor trunk movement data
Journal Article
Pfau, T., Ferrari, M., Parsons, K. J., & Wilson, A. M. A hidden Markov model-based stride segmentation technique applied to equine inertial sensor trunk movement data. Journal of Biomechanics, 41(1), 216-220.

Inertial sensors are now sufficiently small and lightweight to be used for the collection of large datasets of both humans and animals. However, processing of these large datasets requires a certain degree of automation to achieve realistic workloads... Read More about A hidden Markov model-based stride segmentation technique applied to equine inertial sensor trunk movement data.