Autoimmunity to stromal-derived autoantigens in rheumatoid ectopic germinal centers exacerbates arthritis and affects clinical response
Journal Article
Corsiero, E., Caliste, M., Jagemann, L., Fossati-Jimack, L., Goldmann, K., Cubuk, C., …Bombardieri, M. (2024). Autoimmunity to stromal-derived autoantigens in rheumatoid ectopic germinal centers exacerbates arthritis and affects clinical response. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 134(12),
Ectopic lymphoid structures (ELSs) in the rheumatoid synovial joints sustain autoreactivity against locally expressed autoantigens. We recently identified recombinant monoclonal antibodies (RA-rmAbs) derived from single, locally differentiated rheuma... Read More about Autoimmunity to stromal-derived autoantigens in rheumatoid ectopic germinal centers exacerbates arthritis and affects clinical response.