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All Outputs (69)

A prospective multicenter observational study assessing incidence and risk factors for acute blood transfusion reactions in dogs (2024)
Journal Article
Hall, G., Birkbeck, R., Brainard, B., Camacho, F., Davidow, E., Levine, D., Mackin, A., Moss, T., Nash, K., Stanzani, G., Starybrat, D., Stoye, D., Tai, C., Thomason, J., Walker, J., Wardrop, K., Wilson, H., Wurlod, V., & Humm, K. (2024). A prospective multicenter observational study assessing incidence and risk factors for acute blood transfusion reactions in dogs. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine,

BackgroundReported incidence of blood transfusion reactions (TR) varies greatly.ObjectiveTo prospectively evaluate the incidence of acute TRs in dogs receiving allogenic blood products, using consensus definitions, and to assess factors associated wi... Read More about A prospective multicenter observational study assessing incidence and risk factors for acute blood transfusion reactions in dogs.

Causes and consequences of feline haemothorax: A retrospective case series (2024)
Journal Article
Turner, R., & Humm, K. (2024). Causes and consequences of feline haemothorax: A retrospective case series. Veterinary Record,

BackgroundThe objective of this study was to describe the causes of haemothorax in cats, patient presentation and outcome.MethodsThis was a retrospective study based in a university teaching hospital. The electronic case records of cats presenting wi... Read More about Causes and consequences of feline haemothorax: A retrospective case series.

Survival to discharge and outcome of a dog following out-of-hospital cardiac arrest due to asphyxiation (2023)
Journal Article
Lang, K., Crawford, A., Hall, G., & Humm, K. (2023). Survival to discharge and outcome of a dog following out-of-hospital cardiac arrest due to asphyxiation. Vet Record Case Reports,

A 7-month-old dog presented with a 10-minute history of upper respiratory tract obstruction and secondary loss of consciousness in the minute before its arrival to the hospital. The dog was found to be dead on arrival. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation w... Read More about Survival to discharge and outcome of a dog following out-of-hospital cardiac arrest due to asphyxiation.

Why some canine and feline blood donors do not make the cut: A cohort study (2023)
Journal Article
Descamps, M., & Humm, K. (in press). Why some canine and feline blood donors do not make the cut: A cohort study. Veterinary Record,


While there has been extensive investigation into the selection and retention of human blood donors, veterinary research in this area is limited. This study aimed to identify the reasons for the rejection and withdrawal of canine and fe... Read More about Why some canine and feline blood donors do not make the cut: A cohort study.

Medical management of metallic sharp-pointed straight gastrointestinal foreign bodies in dogs and cats: 18 cases (2023)
Journal Article
Crinó, C., Humm, K., & Cortellini, S. (2023). Medical management of metallic sharp-pointed straight gastrointestinal foreign bodies in dogs and cats: 18 cases. Journal of Small Animal Practice,

OBJECTIVE – To describe the medical treatment of gastrointestinal metallic sharp-pointed straight foreign bodies (FBs) in dogs and cats
MATERIALS AND METHODS – Clinical records of dogs and cats presented to a university teaching hospital between 200... Read More about Medical management of metallic sharp-pointed straight gastrointestinal foreign bodies in dogs and cats: 18 cases.

Clinical and clinicopathological features and outcomes of cats with suspected dietary induced pancytopenia (2023)
Journal Article
Glanemann, B., Humm, K., Szladovits, B., Abreu, M., Aspnall, S., Buckeridge, D., Carveth, H., Darcy, H., Florey, J., Frowde, P., Gajanayke, I., Green, K., Holmes, E., Hrovat, A., Jasensky, A.-K., JOnes, B., Lantzaki, V., Lo, E., MacDonald, K., O'Brien, K., …Wilson, H. (in press). Clinical and clinicopathological features and outcomes of cats with suspected dietary induced pancytopenia. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 126-132.

Backgound: After a strong epidemiological link to diet was established in an outbreak of pancytopenia in cats in spring 2021 in the United Kingdom, 3 dry diets were recalled. Concentrations of the hemato- and myelotoxic mycotoxins T-2, HT-2 and
diac... Read More about Clinical and clinicopathological features and outcomes of cats with suspected dietary induced pancytopenia.

An investigation into an outbreak of pancytopenia in cats in the United Kingdom (2023)
Journal Article
Glanemann, B., Humm, K., Pegram, C., & Chan, D. (2023). An investigation into an outbreak of pancytopenia in cats in the United Kingdom. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 37, 117-125.

Background: In spring 2021 increasing numbers of cats presenting with severe pancytopenia were noted in United Kingdom (UK).
Objective: To describe process and outcome of the investigation performed into the outbreak of pancytopenia in cats.
Anima... Read More about An investigation into an outbreak of pancytopenia in cats in the United Kingdom.

JSAP-2022-0090.R2 Proof Fl (2022)
Journal Article
Berrezaie, M., Connoly, D., Cruzado, J., Mederska, E., Dukes-McEwan, J., & Humm, K. (2022). JSAP-2022-0090.R2 Proof Fl. Journal of Small Animal Practice,

Objectives: To determine the causative organisms, clinical features and outcome of 4 canine infective endocarditis (IE) in the UK. 5 6 Methods: Medical records of 3 veterinary referral hospitals were searched for dogs with 7 IE between December 2009... Read More about JSAP-2022-0090.R2 Proof Fl.

The use of small-bore wire-guided catheters for the management of peritoneal effusion in cats and dogs (2022)
Journal Article
Crosby, J., Humm, K., & Cook, S. (2022). The use of small-bore wire-guided catheters for the management of peritoneal effusion in cats and dogs. Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care,

Objective – To describe the use of small-bore wire-guided catheters in the management of peritoneal effusion in cats and dogs and to detail any associated adverse events.
Design – Retrospective study.
Setting – University teaching hospital
Animals... Read More about The use of small-bore wire-guided catheters for the management of peritoneal effusion in cats and dogs.

The efficacy of vapocoolant spray for reducing intravenous catheter pain in emergency patients (2022)
Journal Article
Trinder, R., Humm, K., & Cole, L. (2022). The efficacy of vapocoolant spray for reducing intravenous catheter pain in emergency patients. Journal of Small Animal Practice,

This study aimed to determine if dogs and cats presenting as an emergency had improved tolerance of intravenous catheterisation following the application of vapocoolant spray when compared to a saline control.
A randomised con... Read More about The efficacy of vapocoolant spray for reducing intravenous catheter pain in emergency patients.

Occurrence and clinical management of urethral obstruction in male cats under primary veterinary care in the United Kingdom in 2016 (2022)
Journal Article
Beeston, D., Humm, K., Church, D. B., Brodbelt, D., & O'Neill, D. G. (in press). Occurrence and clinical management of urethral obstruction in male cats under primary veterinary care in the United Kingdom in 2016. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine,

Background: Urethral obstruction (UO) has a negative effect on welfare of cats.

Objectives: This study aimed to determine incidence, case management, and outcomes of UO in cats in primary-care practice in the United Kingdom.

Animals: All male c... Read More about Occurrence and clinical management of urethral obstruction in male cats under primary veterinary care in the United Kingdom in 2016.

Retrospective evaluation of the seasonality of canine tetanus in England (2006-2017): 49 dogs (2021)
Journal Article
Starybrat, D., Burkitt-Creedon, J., Ellis, J., & Humm, K. (2021). Retrospective evaluation of the seasonality of canine tetanus in England (2006-2017): 49 dogs. Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care, 31(4), 541-544.

Objective To evaluate the seasonality of canine tetanus in England. Methods Medical records of a single referral hospital in England were reviewed. Dogs diagnosed with localized or generalized tetanus between January 2006 and June 2017 were studied.... Read More about Retrospective evaluation of the seasonality of canine tetanus in England (2006-2017): 49 dogs.

Respiratory complications in dogs with tetanus: A retrospective study of 53 cases (2021)
Journal Article
Guedra, M., Cortellini, S., & Humm, K. (2021). Respiratory complications in dogs with tetanus: A retrospective study of 53 cases. Journal not listed, 62(11), 1202-1206

Tetanus can lead to respiratory complications, and the outcome of dogs affected by this disease is still largely unknown. This retrospective study aimed to evaluate the frequency and outcome of 53 dogs with tetanus and respiratory complications betwe... Read More about Respiratory complications in dogs with tetanus: A retrospective study of 53 cases.

Successful management of aspiration pneumopathy without antimicrobial agents in 14 dogs (2021)
Journal Article
Humm, K., Greensmith, T., & Cook, S. (2021). Successful management of aspiration pneumopathy without antimicrobial agents in 14 dogs. Journal of Small Animal Practice,

To describe clinical cases of aspiration pneumonitis and pneumonia in dogs, which were successfully managed without antimicrobials.

Materials and Methods
Retrospective case review of dogs presenting to a referral teaching hospital bet... Read More about Successful management of aspiration pneumopathy without antimicrobial agents in 14 dogs.

Randomized double‐blinded clinical trial on acute transfusion reactions in dogs receiving leukoreduced versus nonleukoreduced packed red blood cells (2021)
Journal Article
Radulescu, S. M., Skulberg, R., McDonald, C., Chan, D. L., & Humm, K. (in press). Randomized double‐blinded clinical trial on acute transfusion reactions in dogs receiving leukoreduced versus nonleukoreduced packed red blood cells. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine,

Background: Leukoreduction of blood products is commonly performed in human
medicine, but its effect on outcome or incidence of transfusion reactions (TRs) in
dogs is unknown.
Objectives: To prospectively evaluate the incidence of acute... Read More about Randomized double‐blinded clinical trial on acute transfusion reactions in dogs receiving leukoreduced versus nonleukoreduced packed red blood cells.

Vestibular disease in dogs under UK primary veterinary care: Epidemiology and clinical management (2020)
Journal Article
Radulescu, S. M., Humm, K., Eramanis, L. M., Volk, H. A., Church, D. B., Brodbelt, D., & O'Neill, D. G. (2020). Vestibular disease in dogs under UK primary veterinary care: Epidemiology and clinical management. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 34(5), 1993-2004.


Vestibular disease (VD), central or peripheral, can be a dramatic primary‐care presentation. Current literature describes mostly dogs examined in referral centers.


Describe the prevalence, presentation, clini... Read More about Vestibular disease in dogs under UK primary veterinary care: Epidemiology and clinical management.

Vestibular disease in dogs under UK primary veterinary care: Epidemiology and clinical management (2020)
Journal Article
Radulescu, S. M., Humm, K., Eramanis, L. M., Volk, H. A., Church, D. B., Brodbelt, D., & O'Neill, D. G. (2020). Vestibular disease in dogs under UK primary veterinary care: Epidemiology and clinical management. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine,


Vestibular disease (VD), central or peripheral, can be a dramatic primary‐care presentation. Current literature describes mostly dogs examined in referral centers.


Describe the prevalence, presentation, clini... Read More about Vestibular disease in dogs under UK primary veterinary care: Epidemiology and clinical management.

Prospective evaluation of the utility of cross‐matching prior to first transfusion in cats: 101 cases (2020)
Journal Article
Humm, K. R., & Chan, D. L. (2020). Prospective evaluation of the utility of cross‐matching prior to first transfusion in cats: 101 cases. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 61(5), 285-291.


To: (1) assess the frequency of crossmatch incompatibility in naïve feline blood transfusion recipients using two crossmatching methods, (2) measure the effect of crossmatch incompatibility on change in packed cell volume following tran... Read More about Prospective evaluation of the utility of cross‐matching prior to first transfusion in cats: 101 cases.