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All Outputs (11)

Comparison of outcomes in dogs undergoing hiatal hernia repair with and without use of a gastropexy: 41 cases (2012-2022) (2024)
Journal Article
Watkins, M., Shales, C., Thomas, G., Rossanese, M., Sparks, T., & White, R. (2024). Comparison of outcomes in dogs undergoing hiatal hernia repair with and without use of a gastropexy: 41 cases (2012-2022). Journal of Small Animal Practice,

Objectives: To determine the difference in complication rate, gastrointestinal grade and requirement for ongoing medical and/or surgical management following hiatal hernia repair in dogs with and without gastropexy. Materials and methods: Clinical re... Read More about Comparison of outcomes in dogs undergoing hiatal hernia repair with and without use of a gastropexy: 41 cases (2012-2022).

Surgical treatment and outcome of primary rib tumours in cats: eight cases (2016-2023) (2024)
Journal Article
Cinti, F., Martano, M., Rossanese, M., Selmic, L., Fontes, G., Cino, M., Montinaro, V., & Tremolada, G. (2024). Surgical treatment and outcome of primary rib tumours in cats: eight cases (2016-2023). Journal of Small Animal Practice,

ObjectivesTo describe the clinical features and oncologic outcome for cats with primary rib tumours.Materials and MethodsMedical records for cats with surgically treated primary rib tumours from six veterinary referral centres were reviewed. Signalme... Read More about Surgical treatment and outcome of primary rib tumours in cats: eight cases (2016-2023).

Clinical and diagnostic features of a paraprostatic cyst of a true uterus masculinus in a male cat presented with tenesmus (2024)
Journal Article
Doeven, L., Yaffy, D., Jones, C., & Rossanese, M. (2024). Clinical and diagnostic features of a paraprostatic cyst of a true uterus masculinus in a male cat presented with tenesmus. Vet Record Case Reports,

A 5-year 11-month-old, male, neutered, Bengal cross cat was examined for a 5-week history of tenesmus. Positive contrast urethrocystography and computed tomography scan demonstrated a fluid-filled structure occupying the pelvic canal. Midline coeliot... Read More about Clinical and diagnostic features of a paraprostatic cyst of a true uterus masculinus in a male cat presented with tenesmus.

Clinical findings, surgical treatment and outcome in dogs with parotid duct ectasia: 14 cases (2010-2023) (2023)
Journal Article
Martinez, I., Mielke, B., Rutherford, L., Cantatore, M., Cinti, F., Charlesworth, T., de la Puerta, B., & Rossanese, M. (2023). Clinical findings, surgical treatment and outcome in dogs with parotid duct ectasia: 14 cases (2010-2023). Journal of Small Animal Practice,

ObjectivesTo describe the clinical presentation, diagnostic findings, surgical treatment and outcome of dogs diagnosed with parotid duct ectasia.Materials and MethodsMedical records of dogs diagnosed with parotid duct ectasia between 2010 and 2023 at... Read More about Clinical findings, surgical treatment and outcome in dogs with parotid duct ectasia: 14 cases (2010-2023).

Surgical treatment of canine urethral prolapse <i>via</i> urethropexy or resection and anastomosis (2023)
Journal Article
Healy, D., Rizkallal, C., Rossanese, M., McLarnon, P., Vallefuoco, R., Murgia, D., Ryan, T., Howes, C., Anderson, O., Charlesworth, T., Cinti, F., Martin, S., Das, S., & Cantatore, M. (2023). Surgical treatment of canine urethral prolapse via urethropexy or resection and anastomosis. Journal of Small Animal Practice,

Objectives: The objective was to report and compare the complications and recurrence rates of urethral prolapse in dogs when treated with urethropexy, resection and anastomosis or a combined surgical technique. Study design: Retrospective study. Mate... Read More about Surgical treatment of canine urethral prolapse <i>via</i> urethropexy or resection and anastomosis.

Prognostic factors and outcome in cats with thymic epithelial tumours: 64 cases (1999‐2021) (2023)
Journal Article
Marks, T. A., Rossanese, M., Yale, A. D., Stewart, S., Smallwood, K., Rigas, K., & Guillén, A. (in press). Prognostic factors and outcome in cats with thymic epithelial tumours: 64 cases (1999‐2021). Journal of Small Animal Practice,

Objectives: To describe the clinical presentation, treatment and outcomes of cats diagnosed with thymic epithelial tumours and to determine prognostic factors for survival and recurrence.

Materials and Methods: Clinical records of cats diagnosed w... Read More about Prognostic factors and outcome in cats with thymic epithelial tumours: 64 cases (1999‐2021).

Prevalence of malignancy and factors affecting outcome of cats undergoing splenectomy (2023)
Journal Article
Rossanese, M., Williams, H., De La Puerta, B., Scott, P., Chanoit, G., & Guillén, A. (2023). Prevalence of malignancy and factors affecting outcome of cats undergoing splenectomy. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 261(11), 1-7.

S plenopathies in cats are uncommonly diagnosed , with a prevalence estimated at 5%, and include primary and metastatic neoplasia, nodu-lar hyperplasia, hematomas, ischemic obstruction and splenitis, among others. 1-4 Splenic diseases are typically i... Read More about Prevalence of malignancy and factors affecting outcome of cats undergoing splenectomy.

Urinary bladder hemangiosarcoma in a cat treated with partial cystectomy and adjuvant metronomic cyclophosphamide and thalidomide (2023)
Journal Article
McNally, A., Rossanese, M., Suárez‐Bonnet, A., Hardas, A., & Yale, A. D. (in press). Urinary bladder hemangiosarcoma in a cat treated with partial cystectomy and adjuvant metronomic cyclophosphamide and thalidomide. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine,

Visceral hemangiosarcomas (HSA) are rare in cats and typically associated with aggressive biologic behavior and poor prognosis. A 4-year-old male neutered domestic shorthair cat was presented with a 3-month history of hematuria and stranguria; ultras... Read More about Urinary bladder hemangiosarcoma in a cat treated with partial cystectomy and adjuvant metronomic cyclophosphamide and thalidomide.

Surgical findings and outcomes after unilateral adrenalectomy for primary hyperaldosteronism in cats: a multi-institutional retrospective study (2023)
Journal Article
Del Magno, S., Foglia, A., Rossanese, M., Montinaro, V., Cola, V., Pisoni, L., Rossetti, D., Cantatore, M., De La Puerta, B., Nicoli, S., Pisani, G., Collivignarelli, F., Romanelli, G., Cinti, F., Olimpo, M., & Fracassi, F. (2023). Surgical findings and outcomes after unilateral adrenalectomy for primary hyperaldosteronism in cats: a multi-institutional retrospective study. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 25(1),

Case series summary: Twenty-nine cats from different institutions with confirmed or highly suspected primary hyperaldosteronism treated by unilateral adrenalectomy were retrospectively included in this study. The most frequent clinical signs were let... Read More about Surgical findings and outcomes after unilateral adrenalectomy for primary hyperaldosteronism in cats: a multi-institutional retrospective study.

Comparison of median sternotomy closure-related complication rates using orthopedic wire or suture in dogs: A multi-institutional observational treatment effect analysis (2022)
Journal Article
Pilot, M., Lutchman, A., Hennet, J., Anderson, D., Robinson, W., Rossanese, M., Chrysopoulos, A., Demetriou, J., De la Puerta, B., Mullins, R., Brissot, H., Jeffery, N., & Chanoit, G. (2022). Comparison of median sternotomy closure-related complication rates using orthopedic wire or suture in dogs: A multi-institutional observational treatment effect analysis. Veterinary Surgery, 51(6), 990-1001.