Classical Scrapie Did Not Re-occur in Goats After Cleaning and Disinfection of the Farm Premises
Journal Article
Konold, T., Libbey, S., Rajanayagam, B., Fothergill, L., Spiropoulos, J., Vidaña, B., & Alarcon, P. (2020). Classical Scrapie Did Not Re-occur in Goats After Cleaning and Disinfection of the Farm Premises. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 7,
After an outbreak of classical scrapie in a dairy goat herd with over 1,800 goats, all goats in the herd were culled in 2008, cleaning and disinfection of the premises was implemented, and restocking with goats took place ~4 months after depopulation... Read More about Classical Scrapie Did Not Re-occur in Goats After Cleaning and Disinfection of the Farm Premises.